We have a great marriage. My (24F) husband (26M) isn't a perfect man, but he's the one for me. But when it comes to household duties, I'm so much better at it than he is. It sounds weird to type this, like I'm bragging. But he's not bad, either. He's perfectly competent, so I don't know why I'm irritated by it.

  1. I'm a better cook.

We do 50/50 kitchen duties. His food is edible, but it's always underseasoned and just boring. I kid you not, he loves to just boil a potato and eat it like that. He'll call that dinner. I thought it was a joke when I first got to know him, but he really just eats that when he's alone and thinks it's tasty. When he's making dinner for us, though, he does put more thought into it… but it's still not up to expectation. Boiled potato, boiled beetroot, a bowl of greek yoghurt, and baked chicken. Salt, pepper, butter is all on the side.

  1. I'm better at cleaning.

Again, we do 50/50. And when he's cleaning, he does it fine, but… I don't know how to explain it. He cleans like a normal person? Meanwhile, I'm going paranoid about having to scrub the same spot several times until absolutely everything is shining.

  1. I'm better at coordinating events.

I like to plan things meticulously. I call/text my family on schedule and write it on the calendar to message my friends. My calendar is a thing of perfection. For example, my dentist asked me when I can do my next appointment, and I immediately answered the exact dates and times in November/December that I'll be free. Meanwhile, my husband is much more relaxed. He'll say that he's going to the pub with friends the day of. It's not even a bad thing. I'm just so much more of a perfectionist.

A lot of little things like that. Sometimes I have to remind him to clean this, or make sure to call his mother, and such and such. And I can't even tell him to copy my style, because he's technically not doing anything wrong. I feel like such an annoying nag.

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