Here in my country there's almost always some assclown neighbor with main character syndrome who feels the need to blast loud music for whole neighborhood. I was wondering how common is that behavior across the USA?

  1. Not very. A big birthday, maybe 4th of July weekend.

    Never at crazy hours. Always reasonable when having a party in the yard. I’ve never had a problem.

  2. Not much.

    But the guy above me must jump rope all the damn time. 


  3. I’ve spent most my life living in the “hood”. Loud music is white noise to me tbh. From oldies, rap, Mexican music, and even Asians doing some *very* loud karaoke.

  4. Not common. My next door neighbors had a loud ass party with karaoke that annoyed me once. I’m not anti-party, but this was going on until really late. But it only happened once.

    What happens more often is that my next door neighbor (whose music I can often vaguely hear if my window is open) sometimes gets infatuated with a particular song and plays it on repeat. I can’t remember what it was but I remember him listening to the same song like eight times in a row. I finally closed my window, which I guess he heard, because he turned it off.

  5. They would get drowned out by the dump trucks and farm equipment running all day during the Spring and Summer.

  6. Not too common, not unheard of. My neighbor’s daughter was blasting music from like 8 AM to 8 PM for several days. I asked her to turn it down, she screamed at me, then I called the cops. It’s never happened again

  7. Rare. It’s happened once in the last 15 years that I remember. The police came and shut it down within 30 minutes or so.

  8. Not common in my neighborhood. There used to be one guy, but we asked him to limit his noise to daytime hours and it turns out he forgot his indoor sound system was connected to his outdoor sound system, so he quit doing that.

  9. Not common for me. My yard is private enough that it would have to be some very loud, outside music playing. Even then it would be a minor inconvenience while outside and not heard inside.

  10. my neighbor across the street is a big dude who blasts music from his Harley, so sometimes he blares Evanescence for our whole street to hear before zooming off. I don’t mind.

  11. The house directly behind my house does this in the summer. Fortunately, the houses are far enough apart that it isn’t annoying.

  12. Extremely rare in my neighborhood. I’ve lived here since 2011 and don’t think it’s ever happened.

  13. There’s a party house 2 streets away. I’ll hear some deep bass every so often. Not super common, but they are the party house after all. Pretty sure the same people randomly shoot off fireworks at least once a month… randomly, without any warning.

  14. Ah, yes, my current neighbors, who have large parties that last until morning…

    They also did it during covid. The other surrounding neighbors threatened to call the police.

  15. Wouldn’t be common near me at all. Most likely wouldn’t be tolerated for very long either.

  16. Not common from the houses in my neighborhood but the random car blasting his bass happens every so often.

  17. There’s one family who gets super loud over every major holiday. They are very nice and its usually shut down by 11pm or so. They would have no problem inviting anyone to join. Its all good fun and they are resonable, never carrying on past midnight. Two other houses on our block are members of their extended family (one lives across the street from them). And they are all military. They seem like good people and their kids are nice so I don’t care.

  18. I have one neighbor who works odd days and will occasionally get high and crank his subwoofer up in the middle of the day on a Tuesday. Otherwise it’s peaceful

  19. It happens once or twice every month in my neighborhood until about 3am. It is in a neighborhood where the average salary is supposedly $130,000 a year. 

  20. This will vary by neighborhood but doesn’t happen in my neighborhood.

    What county are you from?

  21. It depends on where you live and who your neighbors are.

    My neighbors sometimes do it but my house and theirs are separated by trees and/or roads so it attenuated the noise a bit. Usually it’s just a party/cookout though. It’s not disruptive to me and it’s nice to see people out enjoying themselves imo anyway.

    This can be more of an issue for people living in condos or apartments where there are shared walls. I’ve heard of it happening before.

  22. My neighbors don’t blast music that I can hear from their homes, ever. But cars pass through playing music so loud it vibrates my house.

  23. This may be a socioeconomic class issue. I doubt upper middle class neighborhoods have this problem.

    If they did, they would call the police and they would shut it down.

  24. After I got out of the barrio, not at all. Before? Banda all night, every night. I do not miss it.

  25. I live in a large college town, but I don’t live near the college. I practically never deal with this issue, but people who live in neighborhoods with lots and lots of students put up with that kind of shit ALL the time.

  26. My next door neighbors and the people in the neighborhood across from us (we share a road, two different towns) play music every weekend. Now that kids are getting out of school for summer vacation it’ll be most nights. One of the neighbors has a microphone that they use some nights and DJs in the yard.

  27. Sadly not unusual in my current neighborhood. It happened just yesterday and made the floor shake. I finally went out and talked to the driver. It was a maybe 18 year old trying to look tough in a car his parents probably bought for him. Thankfully, they taught him enough manners to turn it down when asked, but we could still hear it for over an hour.

  28. Not super common where I live now. There was some dick-waffle who would come around in their clapped-out 4Runner, park in front of their friends house and play *obscenely* loud music (I’m talking shaking my windows loud…and this was 5-6 houses up from me!), but they don’t come around anymore. Every once in a while, someone will drive through the neighborhood late at night with a loud stereo, but they either leave quickly or turn it down.

    Now when I lived in Washington…that was another story. People did it all the time there and it drove me nuts. I won’t live in an apartment, condo or row-home if I can help it because of that experience.

  29. My neighbors have a cookout like every other night. They have a large combined family all living on one property. (like 14 people and 5-6 kids) They play really loud music every time they have a cookout that the entire neighborhood can hear them. They also like to just fire off fireworks in their yard randomly on some nights. Visits from the police because a neighbor mistook it for gunshots are quite common here. This is Virginia.

  30. I have one set of neighbors that have crazy loud pool parties all the time. It’s annoying, but it’s also normal summertime behavior around the pool where I live. *shrug*

  31. I live in a relatively affluent suburb so not too often but we also have a lot of immigrants so once in a while we will hear Bollywood music and look up what holiday it is, or fireworks around Lunar New Year, or some bbq smoke and Mariachi music. I kinda like it since it’s not intrusive – just a reminder that we have a lot of cool cultures here with their celebrations and their food.

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