my boyfriend [27m] and i [23f] have been together for a year now. we go along great, no fights or anything. we never even argued. but there's thing this about him needing alone time that upsets me.

so for context when we started dating i needed alone time too. but as the relationship progressed something changed and suddenly i didn't need time away from him anymore.

however he started needing it. he's a big introvert so i should know. about six months ago i didn't even stay over at his house on weekends (i'd arrive on friday and go home on saturday) because he needed sunday alone. eventually he got more comfortable with my presence and i stay over the weekend, but sometimes he still needs time away from me. happens less often thankfully but when it does it still breaks my heart.

i know maybe i'm being petty or childish, and god forbid i drive him away for not respecting his space, that's why i always do and will never insist when he asks for alone time. but respecting his space doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt me. i keep telling myself it's not about me (and i truly believe it's not) but because i'm anxious i always think i'm doing something wrong and that's why he doesn't want me around. even though he's always very thoughtful and caring with his words when he says he needs alone time.

how do i stop feeling like this? and will his need for alone time go away eventually? because i want us to move in together in a year or two and i'm scared that it's gonna be too difficult for him.

tl;dr: boyfriend is an introvert who needs alone time eventually and it hurts me when he asks for it

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