Healthy 30M here.
I eat right and work out regularly.

Basically, in May of 2023, I woke up and felt different. Steadily throughout the week I started to notice that I wasn't getting morning erections anymore (still currently) then noticing that I wasn't getting full erections or not even getting an erection when thinking about sex (it has since improved a little, but not 100%)

I have visited my doctor/Urologist and everything seems to be fine from my blood work, as well as function.

What I want is to hear is others who are having a similar experience or had a similar experience and see if you found the root of the problem.

Thanks guys.

  1. 34M. Yes. How’s your exercise routine? That always plays a big part for me

  2. 36M not every morning but yes a few times a week.

    This is going to sound dramatic but I know someone who went through this when he was about your age. If you can’t get a full erection at all ever it could be a brain tumor. My friend had surgery to get it removed and he’s healthy now. Maybe your doctor can do some additional tests to rule it out.

  3. Yep. I read awhile back it’s from bladder pressure, and I am not the type to wake up to piss.

  4. About to be 37m in a couple weeks. Yes, but not as often as I used to. You should get your hormones checked. Are you looking at porn? You could also be desensitized to sex by looking at it too much which can cause boner problems.

  5. Rarely, but sometimes in the middle of the night. I think my trouble is caused by dopamine problems.

  6. 38M here…yup, every morning without fail almost lol and still get plenty aroused tho I don’t feel the need to do something about it all the time like a decade ago.

  7. 36m yes, but, I was worried when I stopped getting them at the age of 30, and later found out it was to do with depression.
    I thought I was getting early on-set ED but after sorting myself out and going to therapy morning/all other erections came back like I was 16 again.

  8. 60 and for the most part yes. 

    Drinking alcohol ended my morning wood for many years but it came back when I quit drinking at 38. 

  9. I’m 40. I stopped having morning wood by the time my 2nd son was born. (He’s 1 and a half).

    About a month ago I sent my two kids with their grandparents for a 3 week vacation, so it was only my wife and I.

    Needless to say, regular sex was back in the menu and then morning wood came back from the death. I was waking up with full erections after almost two years of not having them or having very light ones.

    Raising 2 kids (the other one is 6) is super demanding, my life cycles between working, driving, keeping the house and looking after the kids. I get almost no “me” time, I don’t work out at all and me and my wife normally end up so tired that neither of us feels with the energy for sex.

    So, check your daily routine and actives, you might be having too much stress.

  10. 46 and yup, I’d say 80% of mornings, and I am not a healthy fella at all.

  11. 38 and hydration/sex on the regular help the morning situation the most. Gotta give the little guy something to look forward to.

  12. 40. Yes, but I’ve noticed that I get them more if we skipped sex for whatever reason

  13. Your “eat right” is probably shit. Most people have no idea what IT means actually eat right (plant-based).

  14. I’m 38 and still pretty much get them every morning. I’m surprised given my age and the fact that for the past 6 months my sex drive/libido has gradually dropped off as I’ve been cutting/losing weight (I’ve still be consistent in the gym). When I was bulking my libido was amped right up.

  15. 41M yes. But I had a phase in my late twenties where I was biking 25 miles a day and my erections almost disappeared. A recumbent bike fixed that

  16. Every single day. And I even have low T. Just started my injections last week.

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