My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year, and that year has shown me how selfish he is. For example, we were meeting for dinner once, and he showed up 20 minutes early. Instead of waiting for me to show up on time, he went inside and ordered his food and told me that he was too hungry to wait for me to get there. He gets upset if I don’t seem interested in one of his hobbies or interests, yet mine don’t really matter to him. I have met his entire immediate family and a lot of his extended family, but when I first brought up him meeting my parents, the first thing he wanted to make sure of is that we wouldn’t be with them for long. He also wanted to have sex with me recently, and he didn’t even care that I was sick because all he cared about was what he wanted.

He criticizes me more than he complements me, and I’ve let it ruin my self-esteem. I know if I stay in this relationship I won’t be happy and will probably have to give up some things I enjoy that make me different from him because it will always be about him. My friends and family don’t even like him like they did in the beginning. I think I’m ready to end it, but I don’t know how. I’ve never broken up with someone before. I know it’ll make him feel really upset, and I feel bad about that. I have a bad habit of being a people pleaser that I’m trying to break. I’m also worried about how he’ll react because he gets upset when things don’t go his way, even if it’s over something really small. He also has an addictive personality, so I’m worried about what he’ll do to himself as well. Any advice?

TL;DR Any advice on ending a one-year relationship with someone who is selfish when you’ve spent your entire life being a people pleaser?

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