So I’ve been in my first really good relationship atm. I’m 21 M and she’s 21 F. It’s going well but let’s just say she has some issues? She suffers from POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) and has seizures sometimes/forgets where she’s at. She’s gotten a lot better and it’s been a problem trying to figure meds out, along with bad anxiety.

Basically, a lot of medical issues. Now, I’ve dealt with similar things with my sister. She’s had depression issues, some medical. Some self harm so it’s not like new to me?
So, I love her I REALLY do and I’ve never felt it really before and it’s new to me. I’m usually quite emotionless I guess? Like her problems feel like my own. And I know she loves me. She’s care for me so much and her friends it just EXUDES from her. She’s so caring.. but I guess recently it’s overwhelmed me? I’ve already talked with her about this but I’m still just like not sure and was wondering if anyone had some advice?

She’s struggling like.. life wise? The future, potential college. A job? Idk.. I’ve been with her this week because her mom flew down to Florida to see family and I’m with her so she doesn’t struggle more. She just is having a lot of struggles with life which we all do and I guess figuring out my own and helping her has me overwhelmed. Sorry I’m kind of ranting and this might not even make sense. She also has pretty bad abandonment issues and tells me a lot that I’m “too good” for her and should just leave and get the pain over with.

She says a lot of these things and then comes back and breaks down saying sorry and you know.. again it’s not like a bad relationship. We love each other so much and i have so much fun with her too. Her smile.. her art is amazing. She always loves to do things with me but her Anxiety and seizures (which are getting better) stop her from doing stuff sometimes. I guess I’m just looking for advice from people? 🙂 Feel free to ask questions I know this is rambley!

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