My husband is 34/M and I am 30/F -together for 6+ years.
So here goes nothing: I am incredibly hard to get off, always have been. It's only been done by him twice in our 6 years together and once by one other man before him(but the other man was only successful because I was on ecstacy) and he always feel inadequate when I don't get off. My inability to cum has nothing to do with him, what he does to me is incredible and it's perfect. He feels as if he's doing something wrong but the reasoning is my inability to get off in penetration alone. But even when he does the things that I love during foreplay on the outside, are perfection.. He knows exactly what to do to me to make me feel amazing but the fault is with me, not him. Our sex is amazing and I just want him to understand that he's doing everything right and making me get off is not a priority. I try to assure him that he's doing everything right, just some woman are more difficult. Any advice?
I hope this is appropriate for this group,if not could you direct me to another group that could assist my dilemma..
I hope I described my predicament properly.
Thank you for your time if you got this far. All advice is good advice.

EDIT: Thank you everyone who replied. And to mass answer some questions, we do use toys sometimes, but the problem is with my focus. If my mind drifts for even a millisecond, it starts all over. We have talked about what works for me when I'm alone and make myself cum. When he does those things it's incredible! I just can’t seem to shut my mind off long enough to cum.. or the battery on the toy will die😅
I have to learn to focus and help him help myself.

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