So a few things: I’m bisexual (happy pride month) and I’ve been recently fucking this guy for the past few months. Before that I’ve mostly been with women, so I’ve been looking in this Reddit for tips and tricks.

That being said, I think I read it on here, that you should try to clench down on him when he’s pulling out, release when he’s going in. It kind of blew my mind bc I’ve always done it the other way around, even when I use dildos on my myself.

Well I tried it the other day when we were fucking, like remembered oh yeah I should do that, did it, and he was like “oh my god you feel so tight today” and came super hard.

Is this a thing that more experienced hetero ppl know about??

  1. I’ve never noticed it until my wife got close to orgasm and then she starts getting tighter. But if I ask her, she will do some kegels on me

  2. Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?

    Some people know, but really, unless you’re with someone who has read the same stuff you have read, I’d say most aren’t aware of this. My partner does this sometimes but she has difficulty doing it for long, especially when the Os start hitting. It’s ok, but it doesn’t usually push me over the edge.

    Really, I don’t like much tightness, as it suggests that either my partner isn’t ready for me yet (girthy) and I don’t want to hurt her. The other time she gets tight is when she is getting close to one of her really strong orgasms, which usually means we are close to being done with PiV. I’m cool with that, because it usually means a really amazing BJ to finish me off.

    Also, Happy Pride, fellow bi!

  3. It can be a thing, sure. Both a vagina and a butthole can “clench” or “squeeze” since there are muscles one can control to do that, so yeah, it’s a thing and can work well, but it’s difficult to do that internal motion for a prolonged amount of time.

    Happy pride month back and just enjoy this new experience and skill!

  4. 44 years old I have had a few partners over the years but my current girlfriend is the only person I have been with who clenches when coming. It’s so good it made me question if I had ever made any other partners orgasm. She gets so tight she pushes me out 😍

  5. I usually have to ask my partners to do this–I’ve only been with one girl who already knew about it.

  6. If you read it here in the past few months, that was probably me. 😂 I would say most women don’t know about it. Maybe younger women who grew up with tiktok or reddit, but they certainly didn’t talk about women’s pleasure in sex ed classes when I was in school. It takes some practice to do it in rhythm for long, but once you get the hang of it, it feels amazing for both people.

  7. As a guy, if you really want the girls V to feel tighter than normal good trick is to make them orgasm before PIV. The muscles will get filled with blood and it will be tighter when having sex. Worth the effort.

  8. I had a girlfriend who did that 20 years ago & it was so amazing that I’ve told every woman I’ve been with since then to “squeeze me” once I’m buried inside. Most of them knew how to instinctively, only a cpl didn’t. Also fun fact: the more you do it, over time you become tighter and develop better vaginal muscular control. I’d consider it a kind of super power lol

  9. I just do a sustained clench, and then maybe let it in and out – but never purposely paid attention to when or how I did it. I’ll have to remember this rhythm thing….

  10. Yes. I do the same when giving Bjs. Like wet and ‘looser’ on the way in. Then seal my lips and SUCK while he withdraws, like I’m trying to keep him in my mouth.

    Especially if you’re riding him during sex, relax and sink down, then as you slide up, clench your kegels.

    It’s hard to do that the whole time, but do it sometimes and especially as he’s cumming.

  11. It’s how I know my wife (f75+) is there. Gets me there quickly. Her orgasms with PIV were a revelation to me 50 years ago and I was hooked for life.

  12. Not sure if it’s a thing exactly. There’s really no wrong way because some partners respond more to one way versus the other way. It’s best to create the types of stimulation your partner responds most to. Also, if it’s something you’re willing to work on, it’s possible to expand your internal repertoire far beyond two different movements. As someone else said, look up pompoir. It’s possible to develop to a point where the muscles can perform motions such as squeezing, sucking, pulling, pushing, tilting, locking, etc, at different speeds, rhythms and levels of intensity.

  13. What you’re describing works great if they’re uncircumcised as it helps with the gliding action.

  14. Yep it feels good if you try to grab/suck in his penis with your pelvic floor muscles when he’s pulling out. It’s hard to do if he’s going fast, but can feel really great when you’re doing it all slow and passionate.

  15. Is it just me that can do the kegals when I’m alone but when piv I can’t seem to get the strength unless maybe right at the beginning? Really want to be able to control it more. I also queef a lot especially with doggy, it’s like my muscles take too long to contract again after being stretched. 😅

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