Last night, my boyfriend (43m) and I (29f) were having sex, on the rougher side but still vanilla even though we’re kinky. We’re in a long distance relationship and had a weekend together for the first time in a few months but have seen each other in between then. After 3 very intense orgasms in a row, the last one being the longest, I felt all the emotions.
I had us stop originally so I could pull my hair up and breathe because I was having some endometriosis pain during too, but I couldn’t continue and he was tired from a long day with my family. We lay down and I just start crying. I couldn’t say much during, enough to let him know I’m okay but not. He holds me in a way to give me space but let me know he’s there.
After everything, I told him everything I felt in the order I felt it. Overwhelmed, scared he wanted to leave me, worried that I’m annoying, irritated and mad that I was even crying, confused on why, relieved and happy that he was there comforting me, and then loved because he does care and love me. He reassured me that he wasn’t going anywhere.

I guess, I just want to know what happened and why now because I’ve never experienced it before.

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