So I sing from time to time because that’s just what I do as a form of self expression, some people lift weights, which I also do, some people draw, and some people fly kites.

I sing, as my form of expression, it does not matter where it does not matter who is listening or who is watching.

So I get a lot of people in the grocery store that say “sing it guy sing it “, or other compliments, and sometimes it’s overbearing. I’ve not really been good with compliments anyways, primarily due to my traumatic childhood, I always feel like there’s an ulterior motive.

And I also wish that I could just express myself and allow that to be the end of it, but of course someone always wants to say something about it.

So besides saying, thank you, which I’ve been working on, was there anything else I could do? Because sometimes they get extremely excessive on their compliments. And they definitely want me to notice what they’re saying.

Lately I’ve just been saying oh lol ha ha thank you but it’s still really dismissive. Or I’ll say stuff like “ relax, you’re enjoying this too much”, which is very dismissive. Which in a way invalidates me. But I just don’t know how to do it sometimes.

People always ALWAYS want to talk to me, I can’t stand it, probably something to do with that “halo effect” misfortune I have. Idk, I feel like perhaps these rejections I hand out are causing me more pain than necessary. But I just don’t want to talk, I’d rather be left alone.

Sometimes I give in to talking to people because it just won’t stop. They are constantly CONSTANTLY seeking validation and I wish they’d seek it elsewhere.

But I understand that singing has some kind of tribalistic meaning from Hunter gathering times, and perhaps inadvertently it’s utilized as a magnet, even though those aren’t my intentions.


Appreciate the advice..

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