For example: my boyfriend and I (dating for 3 months) were at a sushi place, ordering to go, and he didn't offer to pay for my small order of 5€ so that made me annoyed a bit, because I'd do it, if it was reversed, as a nice gesture (later on I realised I shouldn't have expectations in the 1st place and I wouldn't get annoyed, but okay). Only after noticing that I was annoyed, he started promising how he will pay next time, how he actually wanted to pay, and even wanted to invite me to some place in general. All of that never happened.

Second occasion: I was annoyed at him for cancelling to see me last minute, because he fell asleep on the couch and is too tired to meet. When he realised from my voice I was sad since it was not the first time he cancelled, he started saying how we can instead go to this brunch place that I went with my friend and liked, the next morning. I declined, because I knew it was a way of apologising and I really don't like that.

I don't like it, because he never invites me anywhere or wants to go anywhere, but only in cases like this he does. I told him before I would like for us to go out sometimes, but not like this, not as an apology.

tl;dr only doing nice things as a way to apologise

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