I, F 22 and my husband (M, 23) have been together since we were 13. We broke up a few times but for no longer than 1 1/2 months at a time. We hooked up with other people during the breakups because we were in high school and wanted to experiment. We got married at 20 and have a house that’s paid for and both have good paying jobs and no kids. Some days I am so happy that I can’t even think straight and feel like I’m living a fairytale. But other days, I wonder if I should’ve dated around more and just gotten to know who I am first. I don’t think I’ll find someone I love as much as him and think I would regret it if we broke up and he has expressed the same feelings to me. What do we do? Is this normal? Do you ever get over it? There are things he wants that I don’t and things I want that he doesn’t but we seem to be decent at compromising. I just wonder sometimes. I wonder if he is the one I’m supposed to be with forever (some days I am so sure and other days not so much). Since God himself didn’t come to me and say, “Yes, he’s the one”, I have doubts. Advice?

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