I’m a fool

I feel like such an idiot 😔I have been seeing a guy (M30) for about 9 months and today he stood me up when I travelled 3 hours by train to stay with him for the weekend.

For context I’m a single mum so worked really hard in booking childcare for the whole weekend we organised together, the plan was I get the train to his and he will meet me once I arrive. I am not from this city and haven’t booked any accommodation because I was under the impression I was staying with him! Anyway, I get here and send him a message and notice it’s only got one tick, I have a look on instagram and I’m blocked, same with Snapchat and same when I try and call his number 😔I feel like such a fool, I left an abusive relationship 2 years ago and this has resurfaced feelings of inadequacy and reinforced the things my ex used to say to me like ‘you are nothing special’ ‘you are damaged goods’.

The thing is now I haven’t budgeted for a hotel and I have nowhere to go until my train back home on Sunday, would you suggest trying to stay awake and just wait it out in the train station and keep myself busy during the days?

Has this ever happened to anyone else? Any advice would be appreciated

I’m devastated.

TL;DR basically I got stood up for a weekend break and now have nowhere to go

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