I'm currently at university, I'd say I have one good close friend who is my flatmate and a bunch of acquaintances. Other people say I come across as someone social with a lot of friends as last year I was but now I want more meaningful relationships and I think of myself as quite introverted. There is this one friend group I would really like to be a part of (I've been climbing with a few of them last year on a whim after class as one girl was in a module of mine) but they already seem like a formed group and have been friends for 2 years already and are flatmates. I feel like I obsess over being part of this group and think about asking them to hang out, for some weird reason I get upset when I see them all hanging out on social media? I've found a lot of people at medschool to be quite gossipy and not my type of people, but this particular group seems really nice – I'm not sure what to do, any advice would really be appreciated 🙂

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