19M, I’ve been with my girlfriend for a little over a year, more recently have we started getting more intimate with each other. She is insanely pretty and I know I am, for sure, 100% attracted to her. Yet, the first time that we tried anything, I didn’t feel fully erect, and had lost my erection maybe 15 seconds into penetration. The same thing has happened with previous partners, and I’ve never actually been able to finish. I know I’m comfortable with her, we have a really healthy, communicative relationship, yet, somehow I hadn’t been able to become fully erect. This also happens when I’m just with myself, and I feel like it has progressively gotten worse over the past couple of years. I can’t even remember the last time I was rock-hard.

More recently, after me and her’s last attempt at anything, I started to get super down on myself. Maybe a week later, I started to notice I was feeling way less horny than usual. Now, I’m at the point where I have to kind of force myself to get aroused to masturbate, and can only be able to maintain an erection for a minute or two. Maybe a few minutes in I’m just totally uninterested, almost as if I was experiencing post-nut clarity. I barely feel any arousal, even in situations I feel like I should.

I’ve been to the doctor for it; they took my bloodwork and said nothing was wrong there. In my head, I still want sex, I still want to masturbate, but I feel like I physically can’t. I know it is uncommon for my age, and I really just feel like I’m missing out. I’m honestly at a complete loss on what to do here, I would appreciate anyone’s thoughts.

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