As the title asks, do any of you feel your age? Or rather do you feel like you are getting any older?

I'm 36 and I certainly don't feel 36 or. Not that I'm old by any stretch but there isn't really any metric I can think of which makes me feel like I'm any different than I was at 30 or my late 20s.

Clearly my mind and experiences over the years have matured me. But I still feel quick, I sleep only 4 hours and I've got enough energy for the day and then some. I don't have any gray hairs or addiction to alcohol or other vices from stress.

For context, I look really young. No one ever believes me when I tell them my age. I'm still really active, and although I don't fight anymore I still train in martial arts and actively spar. My mindset has maybe gotten older in that I train a lot smarter, but I still can eat pretty much whatever I want, my metabolism hasn't slowed, my sex drive hasn't diminished.

I was video calling my brother and he's 2 years older than I am and up until a few years ago looked great. But he's now got a bit of a dad bod, wrinkles, more of a weathered and older complexion. He's complaining about his back flare ups. It got me thinking about my friends and when i look at them I look and feel younger by 10 years.

Is it because I don't have kids? There just seems to be this millennial moan and groan I seem to not be experiencing. Is anyone else the same?

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