I (25 male) am currently deployed. And am having some serious sexual withdrawal symptoms. Its all i think about. Its forcing my mind towards such new levels of creativity that i made a up a sexy time game/competition. I was raised with a bad image of sex. This new wave of cravings is refreshing but also gives me the an awkward nervousness. I have never sent sexual messages to my wife (25 female) in our 4.5 years together. But here i jumped head first off the cliff and sent some wild messages i didn’t know i could write. Has anyone had this happen to them? Rules to my horney inspiration. And its not that original i admit.i used martial arts matches to inspire the rules. And wanted to push us both to try new things that was originally hard for us to ask for(we are both shy)

Rules to the game
1. Anyone can do anything they think will help them make the other person cum and other person can’t stop them front doing it
2. You only get to the count of 🔟 to try to stop from cuming
3. If you say i quit you lose. and you both try and come together. If it is mutual its a draw and you do another round
4.you can change position or methods as fast as you want without asking
5.loser owes the winner 30min spa treatment and one additional request (we have twins so its definitely worth the fun)

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