Why does International Men’s Day deserve to be celebrated?

  1. I would argue that neither it or International Women’s Day deserve to be celebrated.

  2. Same reasons Women’s Day deserves to.

    Which depends on the individual, including believing that both those days are pointless.

  3. All these days of personal celebrations are stupid, pointless and narcissistic. I don’t believe in any of these days or months, and I find it quite funny how every gender these weirdos come up with, every nationality gets one but straight white men don’t and then the response is “every day is straight white pride day”.

  4. I think it’s important to highlight and celebrate healthy masculinity and to bring awareness to mens health issues.

  5. Because, the HR incharge of declaring international days is women.. 🤣
    More power to men… my brother’s.. it’s time men r heard… and international men day becomes so popular that men get gifts from women..

  6. do people even celebrate men’s day? Most of the people don’t even know when it falls.

  7. No special day *deserve* to be celebrated, however some people want to celebrate the men in their life and they have found others in other countries who also feel that way, so they decided to do it together on one day globally.

    And men do deserve to be celibrated as much as any other group deserve it.

  8. Maybe for one day we can at least pretend that society doesn’t just hate men lol then again, we could just do away with all these special days. Why do women deserve women’s day? which turns into a whole week or two, lets be honest.

  9. If there is a womans day there should be a mens day… it seems fair… women do great things.. men do as well… if we are gonna celebrate one we should celebrate the other as well.. men have high workplace mortality and usually are the ones who work shittier more dangerous jobs, while they work to feed their family, higher suicide rate, they are considered expendable in times of war, they are fathers, and sons, men deserve a day of being appreciated once a year if every other group does.

    we *all* (women, men, lgbtq, minorities, veterans, all the groups with a day) have something we struggle through, and if we are celebrating one we should do the same for the others..

    I personally think we should celebrate the people we respect and love *everyday* no matter who they are… then we dont need a day a year for each group… but most people just go through life taking the people around them for granted… thats why we have these days, to remind people that everyone deserves to be celebrated once in a while.

  10. Because it’s celebrating all the men in the world who make it a better place? All the fathers who work their asses off for their families.

    I mean, it would be pretty fucked up if I asked “why does international women’s day deserve to be celebrated?”, right? How about we quit belittling people?

  11. Well at this point everyone and everything has a day, so why the fuck not?

    I’m just waiting for International Hetero Day. There better be orgies.

  12. Since International Womens Day us used to highlight struggles and injustices, so should International Mens Day. It shouldn’t be ridiculed by insecure women, as is often thr case. It should be used to highlight problems facing men. Thr male suicide epidemic, the overwhelming male majority of homeless people, male self harming behavior, the complete abandonment of men by the mental health field, the harmful portrayal of men in media, male DV and SA victims etc.

    It had a very valid place, and it’s a damn shame that a large group of misandrist women do all they can to invalidate it.

  13. Because suicide is the biggest killer in men under 40 yet we still don’t take men’s mental health seriously.

  14. Because we built the whole fucking world ourselves and died in all the wars. Women want to come in and take our credit.

  15. I think the aspects of masculinity that are worth keeping and protecting instead of being bagged with the others should be talked about and praised. It could also be a celebration for all the men that works in really dangerous or ungrateful jobs and are often pushed aside because of their duties. I don’t see many feminists calling for equal numbers in sewage cleaning teams or trash collectors.

  16. I don’t even care about my own birthday so I certainly don’t care about celebrating random days. Men’s day, women’s day, vegan day, Pride etc. I’m not trying to take away from any of these things, if you wanna celebrate it that’s your choice but I think the majority of people just want to be left alone and not be forced into caring about what you find important for fear of being shamed.

  17. I will celebrate international mens day on 2 conditions:
    1) double standards – international womens day must be celebrated too
    2) they both give me a day off work 😂

  18. It doesn’t. It’s only “celebrated” as away to attack men, as a sort of throwing a scrap towards men, or so certain people can say “see, we don’t totally hate men, we have Mens Day”

  19. If women get a whole day, and both black history and sexual pride get entire months, why should this be a discussion?

  20. Meh? I have never done anything to observe the day not do I know anyone who has.

    The tradition for it mostly seems to be that people come out of the woodwork to complain about how women’s day was bigger without actually doing anything to observe the day themselves.

  21. I mean….I don’t think mothers,fathers day is important at all. So why should men’s day be important. All three are everyday to me…well maybe not…

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