I (35/m) think I've come to realize that this is a common symptom of ADHD. I've read, chatted, and spoken with many people diagnosed with ADHD and this is common struggle I've found amongst a sizeable portion of us.

I very rarely feel accomplished or proud of what I have done in my life. The last time I did was when I took myself on a solo vacation to Japan for two weeks. I paid for it all on my own, I planned it all on my own, and it was amazing. Outside of this, I'm proud of being a good dad to my dog. But, everything else feels like a page read in an endless book. I'll be glad that I finished one task, but my mind is on to the next agenda. I feel like shark and if I stop swimming (doing chores/task/work), I will die.

  • I graduated college (against all odds: "Okay whats next?"
  • I get a job: "Okay whats next?"
  • I left job and started a business: "Okay, it was probably all because my business partners hard work. What's next?"
  • Business barely survives COVID: "Okay, we got lucky."
  • I plan a camping trip and go camping: "Okay, I'm here. Better stay busy and collect fire wood for 8 hours." Get home and feel like I did nothing.
  • I do xyz chore/task/gym/cook/etc: "Okay I'm glad that's done. What. Is. Next?"
  • Last night I found an iPhone. Made three posts on FB/local groups. I get the phone back to the owner…Literally nothing, no sense of accomplishment or pride.

Medicated or non-medicated, it doesn't change. Gym, little to no alcohol, hydrated, therapy, eat clean food, exercise, vitamin D, social group, hobbies, etc, I try and do it all to live healthy and happy.

This issue has sapped me of my vitality. I lack drive and the ambition to move forward because I feel that no matter what it is that I do, nothing will grant me the feeling of accomplishment or satisfaction or pride in myself.

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