So, every time I had sex with someone new, I wrote their names down on a little slip of paper. I keep that paper hidden in a little book in my nightstand. My girlfriend was doing some cleaning and she discovered it.

Here's the thing: she's not upset that I kept track, or even that I've slept with 28 girls. She's upset that 22 out of the 28 were Asian. But I can't help it? It was largely a result of the apps' algorithms; I don't have any sort of preference, let alone fetish. It's just happenstance.

But she's also Asian and she's worried I have one of those gross Asian fetishes that some creepy white guys have. I genuinely don't. I've been on a lot of dates in a city with an enormous Asian-American population, and Asian girls just liked me more than other ethnicities, and that's just how it played out?

Is she right to be upset? Have I done anything wrong? How can I make this situation better?

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