I’m really serious. It’s still spring and in Italy we have 24°C today. My class mate are like “let’s go out under the Sun”. How? HOW? I start sweating and “suffering” IMMEDIATELY after the Sun touch my skin.
Do you have some trick to “improve” my situation?

  1. There’s no trick.
    Just wear light, loose, thin clothing. Cotton summer shirts and shorts.
    Stay hydrated, wear a good hat,apply sun cream and wear sunglasses.
    I have also used an Evian spray can to mist my face. Helps take the edge off the heat
    That’s about it.

  2. Sweat more, drink more water, shower more. It’s summer bruh, embrace the sweat. If you got a gut, let the flubber fly. Ladies like a belly too.

  3. 24C is like heaven tho lol some people just can’t help sweating eh…? Maybe drinking a ton of water will help by letting your body manage heat better. Linen long sleeves or summer sleeves could keep the sun off your skin and even be cooler than not wearing them lol I had bought my dad these… ‘cool sleeves’ for the arms? And it’s supposed to reflex sunlight and evaporate any moisture quickly, so it feels cool.

  4. I use some body wash that is lemon scented from Spain. It cools you off pretty easily and makes you smell very nice and you can order it online if i find the name i’ll edit 😎

    Edit : i found it my mistake its Cologne and the name is Heno de Pravia its like a bottle of 780ml and its around 5 euros. I really recommend it 🙂

  5. I simply live with the pain. Not going outside, keeping all the windows wide open and having a tiny fan on my desk is about the best I can do.

  6. Try working outside in 45°C plus in jeans and a long sleeve shirt
    Edit: anti perspirent, showers

  7. It has been between 29C (85F) and 38C (100F) for the last few weeks. I work in a bodyshop without AC… just doors open and fans going. The shop gets stuffy and gross. I shower daily, wear plenty of antiperspirant (which I set with bodyspray). Usually keeps me from smelling bad by the end of the day, but there’s nothing I can do about the sweat.

  8. The only answer is to wear loose fitting and comfortable clothes. I have an insane number of athletic breathable shirts that I wear anytime I’m outside in the summer or for sleep. They help.

    Showering twice a day on those hard ass outside work days – it’s necessary. I’m hyper aware of how I smell. Grew up always being made fun of as a kid because I smelled like smoke (chain smoking parents), so that hyper awareness has been stuck with me all my life. It’s weird.

  9. Use a good antiperspirant, go sleeveless whenever possible, shower in the afternoon so that way all your nastiness from the morning gets washed off and your fresh for the rest of the day that way if it cools off at night you can go the next morning hopefully still a little fresh before you have to shower again

  10. Yeah sometimes there’s not much you can do but sweat and drink water then shower often. In Texas it’s common to have 40°c days and really we either stay inside or sweat and drink water then shower later.

    Antiperspirant, not deodorant. If you smell a little bit (not horrendous) at the end of the day everyone understands which is entirely possible if you shower properly.

    Sometimes you’ve either gotta dust yourself all over with gold bond (sweat absorber) or just peel your jeans off at the end of the day like a banana and let them dry overnight.

  11. Wear clothing that keep me as cool as possible, stay in the shade as much as possible, wear sunscreen, carry wet wipes, wear deodorant

  12. One of those hats you dunk in water or a damp bandana tied around your neck.

  13. If your body is not used to the heat it will take a little while to get used to it.

    By the time summer kicks in and the temperatures are higher everyone will have slowed down physically and mentally.

    Also give it a week and they’ll all be sitting in the shade.

    My first spring in Italy I think I melted.

  14. Gold Bond or corn starch for the undercarriage, wear light colored and breathable clothing, and keep a cup of ice chips to munch on.

  15. 1. Water water water
    2. Many sunscreens, sunblocks and suncreams have cooling effects
    3. Wear light clothes
    4. eat enough salts
    5. Shower and use deodorant

  16. Use antiperspirant, like Certain Dri, and body power like Gold Bond body powder. (I’m not selling these products, they’re just the ones that work for me).

  17. Wear shorts, shirt, but quality deodorant, not old spice or axe. And I recommend gold bond or baby powder downstairs it helps a lot with the funk

  18. Sweating doesn’t mean you’re dirty unless you let it fester for a few days. People sweat. You’ll be fine.

  19. Breathable fabrics. Check the label. Change socks and undershirts (if you wear them) daily. Shower twice if necessary.

  20. It can take some time to acclimatise to warmer weather, but it’s possible. Might be helpful to do some exercise in warmer weather (within your limits of course).

  21. Bro what? 24 Celsius is beautiful weather, dude. I’m from a temperate state in the US and it regularly gets up to 35+ Celsius during the summer. Chill out.

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