I’m still in highschool and am super introverted. I have trouble talking to people and usually make conversations short. I never ask people anything or talk to anyone unless they talk to me. I have these thoughts where I feel like I just bother people and am just there. I never talk in any of my class only when teachers call on me or people sitting close to me ask me questions. I have around 2 people I talk to on a daily basis at school but I usually keep it short and than go on my phone. The only thing I do outside of school is play video games and sleep.

I don’t text people because I find it boring and usually leave people on delivered (if someone texts me). Strangely enough The other day out of nowhere some popular girl texted me (through Instagram) out of the blue and told me she would like to be my friend. I found it super odd and left her on delivered. She is nice to her peers around her and is popular because she’s a “golden student” as some would say. I assume she’s trying to be nice but I use to sit next to her in 1 of my classes and she use to try and talk to me but I usually ignored her or answered in just a few words so she stopped, but she still dmed me a few days ago asking to be her friend. What do I do? Do I say yes or do I just ignore her? I want to make friends but I get super awkward talking to people so I choose not to.

  1. I would reply to her saying, I would love to be friends, thanks for reaching out! And just see what she says after that. Don’t 0ut yourself in uncomfortable situations but also allow yourself to leave your comfort zone from time to time. That was really kind of her to reach out if she’s being genuine

  2. I’d try to find an activity to do together. Maybe you can ask to go walking or hiking. Do either of you have a dog? Do you live near one another? Ask to walk home together or even take public transportation to a destination. When you are able to be physical you release endorphins and dopamine and it’s easier to relax and open up. I have friends I’ve known for 10 years but will (mostly) do physical things with them because our conversations otherwise are a little more challenging. Kids, relationship, work – all very different. It’s so nice she reached out and it would be great to make new friends but jumping on with both feet can be overwhelming. Just saying, “Yes! I want to be friends” is a little touchy. I’d feel like it’s commiting to a relationship with someone you don’t really know. Take it slow, hang out and the relationship will do it’s thing.

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