I am not able to open myself. I do not allow people to see my true self. The result is that I look shallow and boring. I am 23 and I do not have any friends. This is killing me.

  1. Hey, i would recommend you to watch “beefriend course” playlist from the youtube channel: “improvement pill” also for some traits and more body language would recommend “charisma on command” dont worry much and go slow and steady

  2. >I do not allow people to see my true self.

    Why not? The word “allow” kinda tells me you know its a deliberate decision on your part and not something beyond your control. Is it because you are worried you’ll misrepresent yourself or get a negative reaction? Because that kind of sounds like social anxiety. You might even be a bit of a perfectionist and prefer staying silent over saying the “wrong” thing. If thats the case, your problem is caring too much of what people think.

    Maybe you need to write down your history, values, and interests to really understand who you are. If you know who you are and what you like it will be much easier to allow other people to get to know you.

    Just curious but what DO you like? What are your hobbies? What comedians do you think are funny? Do you have any skills that are a lil better than average? What kind of people do YOU find interesting?

  3. Man I relate. I’ve gotten slightly better but I largely can’t open up about really anything IRL – people asking what I like and such makes me freeze.

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