Hi 🙂

From my understanding, being a citizen of an EU member state allows one to live, work, and also receive free healthcare in any other EU member state. I hear about this often online, and when reading. The concept fascinates me, and I am curious to hear from real people what your experience has been like attempting to find jobs, residence, and accessing healthcare in other EU countries?

  1. Is it as easy as it sounds? Or are there common barriers that prevent accessing healthcare, jobs, and residence across the EU.
  2. Are there any particular EU countries which are known for being more or less accessible and welcoming in this regard?
  3. For people who have struggled with chronic illnesses or health issues – Do you travel often to other EU countries in search of more care or alternative treatments?
  4. For people who receive government benefits like disability pay, unemployment, child support, etc, do you need to stay in your country of origin to continue to receive these benefits – or are some of these benefits EU wide?
  5. For students – is going to a college or university in another EU country considered being an international student?
  6. Are boat, car, medical, or other types of licenses EU wide or country specific?
  7. What are the borders like? Are there specific EU countries with more border security than others? Are non EU member states like Switzerland and parts of the Balkans borders considerably more secure/closed?

I have never been to Europe (probably obvious lol) The idea of open borders and EU membership benefits across so many different nations, governments and cultures is very interesting to me! Would love to hear more about what this is like in practice and how it affects real Europeans lives 🙂

Thanks so much <3

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