I’m not a germ phobic person, but I am very weird with my tooth brushes. I wash my toothbrush with water throughly after every use, dry it off, then place it in a small plastic case. I change toothbrushes every 3 weeks.
So I’m sitting on the couch and my husband is sitting on a chair closer to the tv because he is playing a video game. He asks me to get him his ice cream from the freezer and a spoon. Almost all of the silverware excluding a couple dirty in the sink are in the dishes washer.

I literally go and wash him a spoon and I’m not really sure why, I take it out of the kitchen sink and bring it into the bathroom sink to clean. That’s when I see my toothbrush on the floor (out of the plastic case)by the toilet, clearly used.

I leave the bathroom and ask him if he used my toothbrush. At first he denied using it and said maybe the cats pushed it off the sink. I questioned how it got out of the case and how it looked like there was some leftover tooth paste residue on it. He then admitted to using it because he lost his. He explained it probably fell on the floor because he used it in the shower and then put it on the side of the tub.

I was pissed. I asked him why he thought it was okay to use my toothbrush. He told me it wasn’t a big deal and that I was overreacting. Obviously he’s seen me brush my teeth before and we’ve had a conversation in passing about me being very “protective” (his words) of my toothbrush. I told him it was absolutely disgusting that he used it and left it on the floor.

THEN he admitted that he has used it before and it was never a big deal then. He said he thought I knew he used it. I blew up and called him a selfish prick. He responded by calling me crazy and said I’m not the person I was when we got married and being possessive of a toothbrush is unhinged. I started to cry and he told me he’s going to stay with his friend for a couple of days, even when I kept trying to apologize. He said he needed time to think and left.

I don’t know what to do. I could really appreciate some advice. What do I do now?

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