Ok so im socially awkward, have social anxiety, overthinker, introvert, all of those things. Earlier in life i was more afraid of people, so i chose to stay inside a lot where is safe. Now i realize, that maybe, that wasnt the best thing to do, because the less i interacted with the world, the more afraid i become, the less things in common i had with the outer world and after all i made no memories or experiences which i could be proud of. But so be it, we live and learn. For me, life starts at 30, doing baby steps and learning social skills all over again. Anyway, so here is the problem. Somehow, my personality on the internet is Way different then in real life. I can talk for hours about anything, be open and indulge deep into anything, joke freely and so on. So from time to time, i attract females, that think, that i am the same in real life as i am on the internet. We meet. They get disappointed and everything ends in a pile of crap. So, how would one exit this neverending sorrow? Aim lower so i could be more comfortable? Or just spend more time interacting with the outer world and less online, so the only people i attract, would be the ones that like me in the real world? What do you think

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