TLDR- broke up with girlfriend of 5 years, started dating my coworker, but now I am unsure if I want to stay with him for personal reasons and I need advice.

So recently, about 3 weeks ago I (21f) ended a relationship with a girl(20f)I had been dating for the past 5 years, since we were 16. I only dated one other person before her, we lived together for 3 years. She did nothing wrong, I just had a jarring realization that I could not live the rest of my life and not regret my lack of romantic and sexual experiences with other people and I could not see a future with her because I have a desire to be on my own, to be nomadic to some capacity, travel the United States, live in a tent for a bit. I moved out and I am living at the place I work, it is sort of like an educational institute that has retreats, classes, and workshops and there is plenty of places to stay there. So I met this guy(23M), my coworker, he is incredibly handsome I’ve had kinda a crush on him and recently found out he liked me back. We sort of decided to be in an unconventional relationship of sorts, he is very nice, accepting of all of my flaws, I feel comfortable with him, and I feel somewhat intimately attached to him. we both desire the same things in a relationship for the most part, it almost feels meant to be, but I find myself now after a few weeks feeling confused and frustrated. My break up has hit me and I feel a lot of grief, not regret but sort of sad that I had just lost so much that was once very important to me and so deeply intertwined with my life and identity. I find a part of myself wanting to be single for a while and another part of me really likes this guy. I keep rapidly changing my mind, if I should ask him to just be friends or if I should see where our relationship goes. I don’t know what to do.

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