I (f/19) have a high libido and its eating me alive.
I feel so alone with this problem and even cry pretty often because of it! I wish he couldnt keep his hand off of me.
Like he (m23) only wants sex once or twice a week ig

I would never push him to do anything he doesnt want to do!!! I even stopped initiating for some long time which he obv didnt like and now i initiate a little (at the beginning of the relationship i always initiated and he never)

Anyways, i just got pills that are supposed to lower my libido but i am scared that he will find out i take those or that it kills my libido completely.
He is on vacation atm and he has never been so horny for me which is confusing
Ive tried being okay with haveing barely any sex
I gave myself the fault etc
Gone through everything!!! Its not about intimacy or feeling not connected enough
Its literally just about wanting to be wanted and having sex ig
We just sexted (kinda) and i started crying (he doesnt know i cry that often because of it)

I really stopped thinking smth is wrong with me but now that he is always horny when he only sees pics of me? Then why not in real life too???
Also i feel liko some nympho. I hate myself everytime i feel a little horny because i know he feels way less horny
I tried communicating but it doesnt get us anywhere
I posted abt it and ppl told me to break up or go cheat like wtfff ????

I feel so miserable….

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