I am 15m and just finishing grade 9. I started highschool with almost no friends becuase I moved districts. I am a very social person and love talking and playing with people my age so I don’t understand why nobody not one person has invited me to the house, the gym or even to walk home once this year. I had people over once or twice a week before spring break when I realized that nobody would talk to me if I didn’t talk to them first. I don’t think I’m annoying or anything like that and I’m not a introvert I’m the opposite. When I invite people over they come and we have a great time but when I look at all my freinds story’s and listen to them talk they will meet up 2-3 time on the weekend without me NEVER INVITING ME ONCE. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong and I just want freinds over the summer. (Throw away account)

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