So, recently my sexual life has become, let's say, much more active than my normal (not complaining), and I'm trying to keep up with my gym routine (I'm trying to gain weight and build muscle) and I was progressing really well at the gym until last month when not only my progress stalled but I'm actually losing weight. So, how do you guys do it? Do I need to account for the extra activity and add more calories, if so how much?

Few facts if it helps:

  • I'm a bit lean-ish, 17-18% body fat.

  • The lost weight is not only fats, I'm not getting leaner, my guess is I'm losing lean mass, water and fat.. will know for sure by end of the month.

  • Yes I might've missed a meal here and there when but it's not like my diet has deteriorated a lot. I could be fine with slowed progress but I'm going in the opposite direction.

  • Nothing else has changed in my physical activity, same program at the gym, and I'm still adding weights in my exercise. My performance itself is not affected that much, just my gains.

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