Quarantine was probably the lowest point of my life. My parents are strict and so they held me home for about 2 years, but my friends went out about 3 times a week after 2 months into quarantine. They would post all about it and how much fun they were having. It was genuine fun, it made it worse for me. My parents wouldn’t listen, I would wake up eat and sleep every day for 2 years while watching my friends live their teenage years. I’m 17, this is a prime time in my life, I shouldn’t be spending these years alone. The second quarantine ended one of my friends got a driver’s license and has been a complete douchebag since. All he cares about is clubs and partying. He completely neglects us publically. He is constantly posting all these people he’s hanging out with, but he suddenly doesn’t want to post anything the second we hang out. It’s not me just being petty, he posts about 10 times per person he hangs out with publically every weekend. None of it is us, literally people that he just met that same day. He completely lies to us to go hang out with people and he’s impossible to talk to. It really sucks because I was so excited to hang out with him after quarantine. My friends are just all of a sudden busy, I don’t know what to do, that low point during quarantine is coming back. I feel completely lonely, I don’t know what to do with my life anymore, I’m not suicidal just really fucking sad. I don’t connect with other people as well as I do with my friends so making friends isn’t a good thing for me. I see literally no one dealing with anything like this. My prime years have been wasted so far, I have no exciting stories to tell, and there is nothing for my future. Overall I’m just really fucking depressed/lonely, nothing ever changes.

  1. Hello fellow poor, lonely soul. I am like you but almost 40, but hopefully you won’t end up like me, because you will figure out the things that make you happy. You will figure out the people you want to be want to me around.

    Teenagers tend to be a bit entitled because haven’t had the life experience to develop empathy for difference situations. Your friend doesn’t seem like a close friend. Just consider him as a party acquaintance, someone you contact when you want to go out and hang out with lots of people.

    Stop putting effort into him. Put effort into finding people who want to be around you. You should be looking for people who are doing what you’re doing for this friend. I promise they are also looking for you, and if you keep looking, you will eventually find each other.

  2. Never have the mentality that things are getting worse. The only way to solve problems is to make wise decisions after considering all the facts. I do sympathize with you, I felt the same way at 17 even without the pandemic.

    If your existing friends don’t appreciate you, find somebody with common interests that does!

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