So about a month ago I was at the park with my dog near my house. I have an Afghan hound and so a lot poeple around the neighborhood recognize me because of my dog and how unique she looks. I know a lot people in my area and their dogs etc. So I'm at the park my dog sniffing and stuff and this guy and his lab come up and he's amazed at how unique my dog looks etc . We make good talk about both of our dogs, their ages, and our puppy faze struggles etc. He tells me his name and says his lives around and we part ways. Couple of days ago I happened to see him coming home from work walking his dog and I say hi. He says hi back and asks if I'll be at the park the next day and maybe our dogs can play I'm like yea see you then didn't think much of it.

Next day comes around I take her to to park like usual and he's there we talk for awhile. The conversation ended going like what do you do for work etc where are you from, we had quite a bit in common nothing weird that I sensed. We did exchange numbers solely for puppy play dates that we were talking about. I tell him I live near as well and my apartment building has a small dog park in the back and I said if he wanted to set up play dates for our puppies to play together I didn't mind. As I say bye he asks if he can walk me home also since he lives the same way. Idk if I was being stupid or not but I said yea. Anyways we get to my apartment dog park and we let our dog kind of play around and interact. We speak a little about our ethnic backgrounds etc and as he leaves he's like "youre very pretty btw, I never told you that when I met you" I said thank you and he says bye but then ends it with "stay beautiful" that part was a little ehhh.

Was I dumb for letting this guy know where I live even though it was just our yard. ? I mean it's a huge apartment complex so he doesn't know my building. Have y'all experienced something similar and it turned out to be super dangerous. Idk I feel paranoid because people out here are crazy, just wanted to know what y'all think.

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