Now, I’m an American, so I see trucks almost every day. But when I was in Ireland for 2 years, I pretty much saw no trucks at all. I am not just talking about pickup trucks either, how common are transport trucks? I assume you guys might have some of those, but I never saw a pickup truck when I was in Ireland.

  1. Trucks are fairly common? From forklifts to lorries. They play their own role in production, so you often see them in-context, like transporting containers, trailers, wings for windmills and so on. But they are fairly common.

    If you mean for personal use, they are fairly uncommon. Some people might buy a pickup truck for prestige—though most people who _don’t_ have pickup trucks find them somewhat obnoxious, especially if they obviously aren’t used for practical purposes. They simply don’t justify themselves in the eyes of most, and especially not with the current like… global climate disaster unfolding for our very eyes. SUV’s get the same, justified, bad rep—but as a practical option, for contractors and such, they are few and far between, with vans being the popular option. Farmers also tend to avoid pick-up trucks, though cut-away chassis vans are common, but for traversing fields, landrovers are the most popular choice.

  2. Pick up trucks aren’t really a thing, but lorries/trucks for transport are super common here

  3. Trucks? Well, there’s some light industry around the corner, mostly distribution warehouses, so there’s plenty of trucks there during the week. I also work at the edge of (another) light industry area so I see trucks all day while at work. But driving to/from work I don’t really see any. In the town center where I live you’ll never see a truck, it’s too narrow/bendy for them. They use box trucks for deliveries there.

    Pick-ups are also rather uncommon. I know of one in my town with texas longhorn horns strapped to the bumper but that’s it. Never see any other really.

  4. I live in a country that plays a major role in transport from East to West, so big freight trucks are a common sight everywhere. Also lorries from construction sites and dozens of other variations, you name it. One difference though: we don’t have one nationwide rental company like U-Haul, and if you are moving from place to place, it’s more common to rent a van, albeita bigger one than most common variety The thing is that you need a truck driving licence to drive anything heavier than 3,5 tonnes, and it’s way more expensive and difficult to obtain one (plus even a separate licence to be able to tow something with a truck). I guess this is what makes big trucks relatively unpopular apart from specialised freight solutions.

  5. Seldom see them in Germany, even though I live in the countryside and people might actually have good use for them here. The people who pick up wood in the forest have one, aside from that I have not seen any around.
    The “American trucks” are pretty rare as far as I’m concerned. People will drive SUVs for private use, which I assume would be our equivalent to trucks in the US.
    For transporting big things, people will use small transporters, not pickup trucks too.

    So in short: While you will see rows of trucks in an American parking lot, it would be a rather “exotic” thing here if you see one.

  6. Incredibly common, all-over Europe. (If you’re talking about lorries used for logistics). So much so, there is a huge shortage of lorry drivers in Europe. I’m surprised you didn’t see any in Ireland. They have some big haulage companies there.

    Pick-up trucks are not really common.

  7. Pick up trucks aren’t really very popular. I definitely haven’t seen many of them. Electric vehicles is on the rise here.

  8. Pickup cars are not much popular. Unless you are some lumberjack or farmer there is always something better for the task

  9. Pickuptrucks? Not so much, vans are are common though, but they’re usally used by companies for different reasons. Police for example used mostly [police vans]( when they’re on patrol. Other than that, people usually rent them for whatever reason they need to haul shit around.

    As for lorries, they’re all over the place, especially on large roads and around areas with ongoing construction and transport hubs.

  10. Pickup trucks? Pretty uncommon. I know a handful of people living in more rural areas that use them for shorter transports of farm equipment like fences and other times carcasses from hunting sessions. The roads can be pretty bad around there, so I understand they appreciate the performance of a pickup.

    Other than that, I see no real uses for pickup trucks, especially not in cities or on the highways. Am I missing something? That’s what we use [vans]( for. I knew pickup trucks were popular in the US, but I saw very few vans the times I’ve visited. How come? Their storage spaces are completely enclosed to protect against the elements and stealing, and they fit a lot more than pickups, just to name a few things.

    These types of [light trucks]( are also very common.

  11. Yeah pick up trucks are uncommon. People who need a vehicle that can transport large items would use vans, trailers, lorrys etc. over pick up trucks.

  12. Transport trucks are obviously everywhere, you can’t drive fifteen minutes on a highway without passing one.

    Pickup trucks, a lot of people always say they’re super rare here, but I disagree with that. I’d say they’re fairly common. They just aren’t the big American ones, most of the time you see smaller Japanese 4X4 pickup trucks. They get more common as you move to more rural areas, but I see them all the time living in a city too. And I actually daily drove one for the past couple of months.

    So no F150 or Dodge 1500, but you’ll see plenty of Hiluxes, Mitsubishi L200, Nissan Navara, Ford Ranger, et cetera. For a lot of jobs you’d rather have a small 4WD pickup than a van, after all.

  13. I went to Belgium last week-end, i never saw that many trucks, kilometees and kilometers of them following each other on the highway. So yeah, pretty common I’d say.
    Also I work in logistics, it’s litteraly my job to book trucks for shipments.

  14. Lorries are very common, obviously. Pick-up trucks (those for small loads and usually for residential use) aren’t that common because not practical. You’ll see them here and there, but not that much.

  15. Trucks are quite common here due to the fact that other transport is very poor. Norwegian railroad net is hardly built for transport of anything. Otherwise train don’t even cover the whole country. Much of the goods being transported here comes up from northern germany from seaports like hamburg(de) or rotterdam (nl). The tv-series ice road rescue is even made here. A classic of the winter seasons is foreign truckers.. often from eastern europe etc. not having tires in good conditions or having chains etc. Some times the truckers even create news here.. like the classic with semi-trailer trying to drive Trollstigen.

  16. In the city, pickup trucks are almost unknown.More common in the countryside.

    Large transport trucks are common though.We are a major port, there are trucks coming and going all the time, transporting Sicilian products out and other products in.

  17. Pickups specifically are reasonably common, particularly in/around rural areas. (but nowhere near to the degree of the US/Canada), common enough in that you’ll see a few every day but you might not know anyone who owns one. We use vans for a lot of things you’d maybe use a pickup for though, or use an old Land Rover with a trailer.

    Trucks/lorries in general are very common, rail infrastructure isn’t good enough to replace them.

  18. Comercial trucks are super common and basicly everywhere except on sundays.

    Pick ups are rather rare but you can easily see at least one a day in rural areas.

  19. Transport tucks like articulated lorries are very common sites on the roads of Portugal – I get stuck behind them quite a bit! Where I live is pretty rural so we also see pickup trucks a lot which are used for mostly agricultural purposes. I see some full of hay, machinery, tanks of water for livestock, sheep or goats being moved around and a thousand other things.

    In London pickups were pretty rare because no one in their right mind would drive around Lewisham in a massive pickup!

  20. No it’s a very rare technology here. Most companies use horse carriages, steam trains and paddle steamer to move stuff around

  21. * People who have occupations where pickup trucks are useful (both in the USA or Europe) will tend to have them.
    * People who live in urban areas where space is limited, will avoid pickup trucks (both in the USA or Europe. Though this is less true in the USA, where zoning laws have made all urban areas into endless wastes of parking spaces).
    * Certain people in the rural USA want to have pickup trucks purely for the prestige. This is not fashionable or “cool” in most of Europe in the same way. (Why have something that requires more fuel and is worse for the climate, if there is no apparent use for it?)

  22. Pickup trucks are very unusual as theyre just big and useless. You’ll see lots of small and large vans, small trucks and what. You wont see lots of large trucks inside cities but lots of them on the highway.

  23. 20 years ago tiny pickup trucks like Skoda Felicia Pickup and Volkswagen Caddy (might be known as VW Rabbit in the US) where quite popular with Swedish contractors because of some kind of tax relief on “work only” vehicles. Nowadays vans and “goods transport vehicles” like Renault Kangoo and Citroën Berlingo are the more popular choice.

    Some people still have pickup trucks for either stylistic or practical reasons. I had a co-worker who had an old VW Taro (a rebranded Toyota Hilux) to pull his boat trailer. My dad leased a shiny new Toyota pickup some years ago just to look cool in front of his hunting and fishing buddies. The only time I saw him put something on the truck bed was when, after having spent a day with my kid, couldn’t fold kiddo’s (easily) foldable stroller, so he just plopped it down and strapped it in place. 😂

    Oh, and my brother in law recently bought a 40 year old Dodge pickup, probably to be able to spend more time in his garage.

  24. It’s basically all lories/vans over here.

    You have the big rigs for transport and then you have the lories/vans for the working folks.

    Every 2 of our construction employees have one type thing to do their work and the self employed person also generally has one if stuff needs to be transported.

  25. Pickup trucks like the Ford F150 are getting more popular here; I see them more often then 5 years ago. Normal transport vans, like a Transporter, are much more common though.

    Not that those pickups are practical; they block 4 parking normal spots and are so wide that you have to stop when they you meet one on a country road.

    Thats beside the price of gas ofcourse.

  26. Pickup trucks? Besides rare Ford Ranger you will barely see them.

    Lorries and Trucks and extremely common and you will see them everywhere, from small villages to largest cities.

  27. Pick up trucks don’t make much sense here, the streets are too narrow and there’s too much rain, we mainly use vans for individual transport.
    Also, lorries are very common. Except on Sundays.

  28. I don’t really view pick-up trucks as trucks in the first place, but yeah, no, you basically don’t see pickup trucks. [Vans]( are really popular in Oslo for business transport. Which is basically a pickup with a roof, anyway.

  29. As others have said, trucks are common sight in Europe, with semitrucks being used for transporting goods for long distances while lorries of various sizes are used for everything else.
    Pick up trucks are uncommon but can be seen aroud, especially in the hands of companies that need specialized vehicles, but in general their role in Europe is done by small trucks like the [Iveco Daily]( or the [Mercedes-Benz Sprinter]( or by vans.

  30. This is an odd question to me. They’re very common. Like literally everywhere lol. Why wouldn’t we have trucks

  31. You just don’t see them at all. I live in Lyon which is a fairly big city and you won’t be able to park anywhere with this kind of cars.

  32. – pick up truck: not that common

    – transport trucks: extremly common but they are not allowed in town’s centers and many won’t use smaller road or will often drive at night when their is less trafic.

  33. Sometimes I see those giant horrible American pick-up trucks in Amsterdam and they look absolutely ridiculous compared to the other cars. Then when they park they stick out into the street and make it difficult to pass.

    What’s much more common are small electric vans in the inner city for grocery delivery. Some supermarkets use large vans still, and often have to park a bit away from the shop to use a loading bay. It’s a good system but you still have people parking in the bike lane or blocking the street to unload.

  34. Transport and logistics is a huge part of our economy , so large trucks: very common and we even have a manufacturer ( DAF) , pickup trucks : uncommon, just get a van ya know? You can lock those etc.

  35. The highways are full of lorries most of the time. Pick-up trucks are rare because most people that might feasibly need one have tractors.

  36. If you ever find yourself on a 2×2 highway in Belgium you pretty much always have to drive in the inner lane because the outer lane is just a wall of trucks. Sometimes it’s so bad that merging or taking an exit becomes a real challenge.

    On the aforementioned 2×2 highways it is also generally prohibited for trucks to overtake one another during the daytime (6am-8pm or so) in an attempt to keep the inner lane free for regular traffic.

  37. Trucks are common, mostly Mitsubishi or Volkswagen as work trucks. Some Rangers are around as well. If you see a RAM however that is almost always an enthusiast’s ride and would never ever be used for work things.

    Speaking of it, while I see RAMs and Rangers frequently around Munich, I’ve never seen a new-ish GM truck. No Silverado, no Denali, no Sierra.

    Most work vehicles however are vans of all kinds of sizes.

  38. Semi-trucks extremely common

    Pick-up trucks decently common. I live in a smaller city with lots and lots of both farmland and frams and a lot of forest and almost everyone who has a farm and/or forest have a pick-up.

    There are also some pick-ups used as pavement princesses but not as many as are actually used.

    Pick-up trucks (along with a lot of old Volvo’s), old ones especially, are pretty common to convert to “tractors” (A-Traktor) so that 15 year olds with moped licences can trundle along in them at the brisk pace of 33km/h (20.5 mph).

    But in larger cities and more densly populated areas they are viritualy nonexistent

  39. I guess you are talking about SUVs/pickups.

    Fairly uncommon. People who need the storage for work, usually use cargo vans. The rest 9f people are mostly sedan type of vehicles

  40. Gazelle trucks (and similar small trucks with a triangular cab) are pretty common. Flatbed versions often have a frame over the cab so you can fit 6m planks onto the bed.

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