For starters, I dig ball play & my girlfriend entertains that. She likes to squeeze them, grasp them, tug on them, etc, whether it be for fun or to get things going. As the title goes though, it has turned into a point of comfort for her, funnily enough, when we’re winding down for the night to go to sleep.

When we’re in bed at night, getting ready to go to sleep, she’ll just reach over, more often than not, and just put my balls in her hand. She’ll give them light pats and squeezes, and I can feel the pats and squeeze becoming further in between as she falls asleep. She’ll sleep almost the entire night holding my balls, unless I move/get up.

  1. Ever see that meme where it’s the other way around and you wake up with pruned fingers lmao 🤣 like you just showered/bathed for +30mins

  2. Mine likes to cup my balls and fall asleep with her head on my chest sometimes.

    Honestly it feels great so I started requesting it.

  3. When we were younger my wife would fall asleep with my dick in her hand. It was lovely.

  4. A man I know likes to have his anus tickled or rubbed as he falls to sleep, and the wife indulges. Non sexual.

    Edit for info: he lays on his side to fall to sleep, knees to chest, wife circles the anus with her fingers until he’s asleep, then she rolls over herself.

  5. Lol I do that to him while awake but I need to remove my hand before falling asleep because I involuntarily clench my fingers in my sleep 😬. So instead I’ll fall asleep with a handful of his ass👌

  6. As a guy who has been single his whole life, congrats you’re a lucky fucker!

  7. I call it my “comfort willy” time. I like to hold my partners balls and/or his willy when I’m sleepy and I gently squish, rub, play etc. Don’t know why, just feels comforting.
    Sometimes if I’m upset or anxious he will cuddle me on the sofa and I play with him like that and it’s soothing.
    Yep. I’m weird but he doesn’t mind and says it relaxes him too.
    Plus it makes him smile and laugh when he can see I’m ready for sleeping and I tell him I need my comfort willy.

  8. Well, now that someone mentioned it…
    My partner holds and gently squeezes my schlong for comfort. She says she finds it really soothing and has often stated she wished she could recreate the texture with something portable to take to work and squeeze when stressed. I am more than happy to indulge this behaviour, but I do sometimes have to kind of switch my mindset from being horny squeezed to being comfort squeezed so I don’t ruin it for her.

  9. My GF likes to play with my cock while we watch TV. Like 2 hours of absent minded stroking. Somehow she’s always a little surprised when I start banging her on the sofa. She seriously does it without thinking about it.

    The weirdest part is that I’m here first man. I’m 50, she’s 36 and only had girlfriends before. Where did this habit come from?

  10. I’ve always liked to sleep with my woman tit in my hand.
    Kind of the same thing in reverse I guess.

  11. Not my balls, but she loves to hold onto the waist line of my boxers/pajama pants.

    Just hang onto it.

  12. Been married 45 years, she curls up next to me with her head on my shoulder and her hand cupping my “junk”. It’s nice, until she starts drooling on my shoulder and then twitches like your falling in your sleep and about rips my balls or dick off.

  13. I actually do this to my husband. Gentle cup and hold and little massage. I feel a sense of comfort and warmth when I do this, and it helps me fall asleep. I think it helps him too and I’m glad he allows me to do it.

  14. Yup! Mine likes to hold my balls. Honestly, I love the attention she gives them. She is genuinely fascinated by and in love with them. She’ll just walk up to me when I’m naked and cup them in her hand and say they need a shelf.
    Going beyond holding balls. She also loves for me to spoon her at night. She likes to feel my bone pressed against her back while I bear hug her and cup the boobies in my hands

  15. My then-bf would ask me to do this when falling asleep. We were both right-side sleepers, so I’d end up spooning him (he’s 6’2 and I’m 4’9 😂); I would put my arm around him so my hand could reach down there and hold him.

  16. No but that would probably turn me on a bit too much to sleep at first because I associate having my balls touched like that with sex time. I would need time to adapt.

  17. I mean, I hold tits, not for any sexual reason but it’s just comfortable. I can see the same thing in the other direction.

  18. I liked to put my hand between my wife’s legs as we were on our sides. Not full on crotch grab but in that general area. It is so warm between her legs and makes snuggles so much better

  19. My gf doesn’t, but I’m usually the one groping her as we sleep. She often tells me about stuff I do I my sleep. I’ve been told there have been a few times that I’ve groped her in my sleep, or that she’s tried to get out of bed and I wouldn’t let her while I was asleep. 

  20. Alternative is to fall asleep inside her and wait for it to slide out.

  21. I hold onto her boobswhen we sleep cause we both can only sleep facing a specific direction, and she likes being the little spoon

  22. We usually fall asleep with me as the big spoon & I’ll be cupping a tit or my hand in her “Y”. During the night when we roll over (if we do) she’ll be the big spoon & she’ll do the same, a hand either in my chest holding a man boob, or she’ll have a decent grip on my shaft.

  23. I put an end to it after my ex had a nightmare, and I discovered a new vocal octave.

  24. My ex wife used to keep my crushed testicles in her purse at all times, does that count?

  25. My husband says “will you adjust my balls”. It’s really code for him asking me to hold them lol. I do it all the time without him asking anyway.

  26. That is actually really romantic, I’m not being sarcastic, I want my wife to do this

  27. My wife will if I ask. I’ve started asking when I want it. I don’t know what I like about it. It’s sexy, reassuring, and comforting all at once.

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