What is one thing that you would like your ex to know?

  1. She would not be my “ex” per say. She is my deceased wife. I would like her to know I am happy in life and no longer feel guilty of moving on in life……and that I think about her at least once per day.

  2. That I hope she’s okay, now or eventually. But also that I’m never going to write back or respond to her strange random attempts to pull me into anything. There’s just no good to come of it for me, and probably her too.

  3. I’d be happier, healthier, and further along in life if I’d never met her

  4. You absolutely destroyed me. Cheating was one thing, but twisting the truth to turn my own friends against me is another thing entirely. When I needed friends more than anything, you left me feeling more alone than I had ever felt. You drove me to almost suicide, whilst you were living with your new fella with a baby on the way. I am in no way the man I was before I met her, and I can never go back to who I used to be. If I could go through life without seeing you again I can die a happy man

  5. She taught me to take it slow, so I don’t wind up in a relationship with someone like her again.

  6. That I’ve found someone who made me experience what mutual love feels like. I can only hope she’ll be able to love someone someday…

  7. That she helped me grow. I didn’t have a father figure around to teach me stuff and i wasnt good with women. I had to take that lick to grow and now someone will be getting a better version of me

  8. can I have my guitar back? you sorta forgot to give it back so I was wondering…

  9. I really loved you, but I’m not willing to let you treat me the way you did.

    You opened my eyes for how narcissistic people can be and gave me more confidence to be myself. So even tho it’s totally not what you wanted for me, I’m grateful I could learn this lesson with you

  10. I hope you find what you are looking for. We had fun but that wasn’t enough for me. Sometimes I wonder how you are doing but I’m not willing to sacrifice what I have now to find out. That is why I never responded to your last couple texts. Maybe in the future we reconnect but for now its safer for me to delete your number and keep you in the past. 💜

  11. I’m happy we broke up because it would have gotten more and more complicated.

    I made mistakes but I hope you’re happy. Alone or with someone else.

  12. I had no interest in other women. But your paranoia and constant accusations are what drove me away

  13. “I’m buying.”

    We get to have lunch every few years, if we have the time, so I’ve been fortunate enough to tell her something like this:

    “I’ve been the luckiest man in the world twice, when I never thought it would happen even once. You did that. If it hadn’t been for you pouring your kindness and grace into me, I know I never would have agreed to even meet (my wife), let alone marry her. I was living my whole life assuming I was incapable of giving or receiving love. I thought that way even when I was a kid. You showed me how wrong I was. And now, between your family and mine, there are four kids going out into the world who would not have existed if you hadn’t been so good to me way back there in 1997. Also, I overheard our waitress saying that the old married couple at her table is so adorable. Think we should tell her?”

  14. This is/was not the best version of me.
    ( I didn’t know I was emotionally unavailable.)

  15. I’m am so glad I left your mean ass over twenty years ago and although I do feel bad your life is a mess. I’m thankful I’m not in it stuck in it living with you and your poor choices and bad personality.

  16. Lying about having cancer probably shouldn’t be your go-to sympathy trick.

  17. You felt inadequate for so many reasons. You felt ugly, not smart enough, not cool enough.

    I must say you have absolutely no problem regarding these. You are pretty, smart, cool and everyone likes you. The only problem you have is your untreated psychological problems and how you acted mean, dismissive, cold or rude towards me and sometimes other people. And I hope you fix your issues and live the great life you deserve.

  18. That I still love her, and probably always will, but that I understand and accept we are better off separated because our lives are no longer on the same path. That I truly wish her happiness and success, but that it’s too hard for me to be friends because of how I feel. Finally, I would thank her for all the memories and lessons learned because I wouldn’t be the person I am today without them.

  19. That while I learned a lot and have grown as a person from our relationship, overall I wish I’d never met him, so I wouldn’t have wasted my time in trying to make our relationship work, only to be cheated on and discarded of as soon as he improved his life and got bored of me.

    Fuck you Tom, you didn’t deserve me and you’ll never find anyone as good as me.

  20. That she was right. I finally get it. She deserves better than me, and it’s my fault that things ended the way they did. God I wish I could go back and fix myself so it would not have happened the way that it did. I hope that she’s out their living her best life, and I hope that she’s found someone that will make her well and truly happy.

  21. That I’m finally at a place where I’m not bitter anymore. I’ve figured out that without him, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. He showed me what I don’t want in a partner. And for that I’m grateful.

  22. My life has been mostly a series of dreadfully bad decisions. I consider getting back together with you the worst one I’ve ever made.

    Whenever I’m going through a rough patch in my life, I still chuckle knowing its nothing to what I endured with you.

    You are the standard of which I measure misery and pain by. Thank you for that.

  23. Mine is dead so idk.. there’s nothing. I left him because of his alcoholism and found out a couple years ago he drank himself to death. Which is depressing af.

  24. You were right to leave me. I was an asshole and you deserved better.
    I loved you with all of my being, but that wasn’t enough to be a good partner.

    Sorry mate.

  25. She cheated on me because she was curious.

    I’d want her to know that the reason I’m so steadfast in my decision to never speak to her again is because it’s not even a respect or trust issue, it runs deeper than that. Cheating proves a fundamental incompatibility of values between us. There are some things which cannot be undone no matter how much we both wish they could be.

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