My (32f) boyfriend (35m) of 3 years, and I went to a bar last night with friends for food and drink. I didn’t have pockets and didn’t want to carry a purse so I gave him my ID to stick in his wallet.

Today I went to get my ID out and found a pic of his ex (from 7 years ago) still in his wallet. I instantly asked him about it and he said he had no idea it was there. Hugged me and promised me that he was telling the truth. Then threw the pic in the trash. It was all very calm and civil. Other then a few stray tears in my eyes

I believe him… I guess. But he literally carries the least amount he can in his wallet. His ID. His firearm ID. 2 cards. And a $100 (which was right beside the photo) So how could he have forgotten it. For 7 years?

This girl, from what I heard from him and his friends, was a nightmare. But I know she was someone he fell hard for. Someone who he left but it was hard for him to do.

  1. He probably did actually forget it, most dudes ignore everything in the wallet except the thing they are actually using… ive forgotten what i have in mine before

  2. I understand this causing an insecurity to you. You’re very valid. Honestly however I really like his reaction to you. Tossing it out and embracing you. I have personally forgotten about pics in places that seem obvious. If this is impacting your well being you can be open with your partner and ask for reassurance and express more how this put you in your head and maybe ask to talk about things he admires about you both. Don’t compare yourself.

  3. He hasn’t changed his wallet for 7+ years? I’d like to know the brand he’s using because all the wallets I’ve ever bought for my male family and friends lasted a year or two at best.

    I wouldn’t take it as anything alarming if it was a one off instance. If your relationship is great otherwise and there were no other red flags I’d say it was probably genuine.

  4. I understand that seeing that photo in his wallet is making you feel insecure. How you’re feeling is entirely understandable. It’s not something many of us would want to find. If there hasn’t been anything else, I would just give him the benefit of the doubt.

    My partner still had his “No Blood Transfusions” card in his wallet when he finally emptied it last year (there were only a few things in his too, but it was behind something) and he hasn’t been a Jehovah’s Witness for a long, long time. Sometimes we just forget about little things.

  5. I totally understand why this would be weird or hurtful. But men I know and even myself are lazy with wallets lol. I had my student university ID in mine until I was 28. I had a dentist appointment reminder card in there for 3 years. I know it sounds implausible but I don’t necessarily think it is.

  6. I just went through my wallet. I found a credit card that expired 7 years ago. A first responder cert from 10 years ago. A picture of MY ex.

    If it’s any comfort, it’s really easy to forget things in your wallet, especially if there are tucked away hidden in unused spots. The fact that he immediately discarded it in front of you and comforted you should tell that it was likely just forgetfulness rather than an emotional attachment.

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