My girlfriend of 3 months constantly sends me TikTok’s about how much she wants me and loves me, TikTok’s about marriage and having a child one day, she even talks to me about it too and showed me her Pinterest with engagement rings and talked about how she would want the reception. She’s an avoidant attachment style (fearful avoidant) to be exact. She has issues with communication but goes to therapy and she has told me she’s trying to change for me so she can be a better communicator for our relationship. I really like her but I’m someone who has been hurt in the past and I’ve never felt this level of attention from a girl. She liked me first and I’m afraid that she may detach and all the constant love I’m receiving now will be absent making the crash even worse. I really want to believe she just loves me and I’m the right guy but I’m not sure. I think I also have insecurities too that make me question thing like this but she obviously sees something in me so maybe this is all in my head due to my own self image. I’d really appreciate some insight regarding this my 20F gf potentially

Tl;DR- gf shows a lot of attention in the form of videos/words and actions but I wonder is it lovembombing due to the frequency?

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