So, I was a depressed loser for a really long time. Never did any kind of living in my 20's. Pretty much stayed in a small town most of my life, except for a few short vacations out of country.

I managed to turn my life around within the last 2 years and I recently decided to take the plunge and move out of my small town to find bigger and better things.

Me and 2 of my closest friends decided to move together to a big city in Georgia with the intentions of starting a new career. Which was great bc I was nervous to be all alone without my support system. Especially starting the new job.

Well, I found my job before they did, so I went ahead and moved into an air bnb with the intention of us finding a house together as soon as they found jobs too.

Well….I've been here 4 months now. Still in an air bnb, and I just found out my 2 friends no longer plan to move to Georgia. They are moving to Chicago instead. And they want me to come along.

I'm upset that I was kept on the hook for so long. But I'm still open to the idea of moving to Chicago with them. They are 2 of my best friends after all.

Right now I'm in Atlanta.
They want Chicago.

Both cities have a fun night life.
Both cities have beautiful nature spots.
And both are kind of expensive.

Atlanta will be tougher to live in while paying rent on my own.
And Chicago has the possibility of jobs in my field that pay higher. Possibly an extra 4-8$ per hour.

However, I signed a contract with my current job for 2 years, and it came with a sign on bonus that I'd have to return if I left early (which I no longer have)
Additionally, I'm in the National guard, and my home unit is in Louisiana, which is far from Atlanta, but no where near as far from Chicago.
I know you can transfer units, but I already applied for a transfer to Atlanta in prep for moving there.
Now I'd have to apply again for Chicago, or worse, fly back every 2-3 months.

Idk, I guess I'm nervous bc getting out here to Atlanta was really hard. And the only way I could pay off my contract is by getting another contract for even more money. And while my current job isn't exactly fulfilling, it is easy and pays decent.
A new job in Chicago could be better, but it could also be worse. And then I'd be on the hook for even more money in a contract.

But then I'm also all alone here in Atlanta. I haven't been able to make any friends in the 4 months I've been here.

What do y'all think?

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