I have gotten my friend's consent to post this

My friend (36F) and her husband (34M) has been married for 10 years. Their sexual life was quite normal till 5 years back but 3 years ago it has come to a full stop. He still is a loving husband and adores her in different ways but according to her there is no intimacy at all. About an year ago, they have discussed the issue and came to an agreement for my friend to have someone to fulfill her needs and was hoping that it'll be a fetish for him and he will get in to sex again. An year after, he has completely gotten comfortable with the other guy fulfilling her sexual needs and he still doesn't have any sexual activity with her besides watching porn and masturbating while he is alone.
The reason he had apparently mentioned was that he didn't want to get her pregnant (they don't want to have kids) and it scared him after a pregnancy scare they had while back. And she said he has told her that he doesn't really need sex. But I myself know as a fact that he flirts with women on social media and all his friends are unfortunately are cheaters.
I asked my friend to go for couples therapy and get him checked to see if anything has changed (hormones or neurological damage) as a last resort.
She adores her husband but she is at a point she isn't sure if there is a point of being in the relationship.
I genuinely think that he does love her but all I see is a platonic relationship between them.
Is it normal for a man to just masturbate but not have sex at all when his wife is actually willing to?

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