My boyfriend [M24] and I [F24] have been dating for a little over two years. We recently were discussing some things in our relationship we would like to change or work on.
So our sex life got brought up and he said that a big part of a relationship in his eyes is intimacy….which I totally agree with. I have always had a low libido, and I have told him this. I struggle with initiating sex because I am rarely in the mood, but he also hasn’t really initiated it. I feel like he is blaming our inconsistent sex life on me and that’s it’s my fault we don’t have a lot of it. I tried to say that he also doesn’t really initiate it but if he did I would pretty much always be down for it. I encouraged him to make his move when he wants to be intimate. Obviously I can say no and vice versa but I just wanted him to know that I am not anti-sex and I am still very much into him.
He said that intimacy is a #1 priority for him in a relationship. Where I said quality time is my #1 priority. He acted like things would be over if we can’t get our sex life back on track.
How do I show him that I want to have sex or be intimate in other ways when he rarely shows me affection?
How can I push myself to be the one to initiate this?

I don’t know what to do, and I don’t know if it’s another problem that he values sex over other aspects of a relationship. I don’t want him to end it over something I could possibly fix.

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