How's your day going?

Are you still fighting the good fight, or have you resigned yourself to a life of solitude yet?

I'll be honest — it's more so the latter for me. I'm still holding out hope that, one day, when I get my s*it together, I'll find the right person. But I've just about resigned myself to a life of an ascetic: good to work (two jobs), pay the bills, ride the bike, write the short stories/memoirs, see the movies, travel a bit, go to the gym, play with the cats, and distract myself with fantasy football, Youtube reaction videos, and Twitter beefs. I think I've lost the ability to even find other people attractive at this point, given how remote the possibility is that I'll partner up with someone. (I've recently tried dating again, and it went horribly lol) No grudges held against anyone, I just think someone people are legit meant to be alone. But I'm sure others would disagree.

Anyway, cheers! Wishing nothing but the best for those who can relate to this post

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