24M currently on a solo tour around Europe as part of a Contiki group travel experience. I have made friends with a couple of people on the trip so far, but for everyone else, I feel invisible. I can have easy, light-hearted conversations with people, but I feel like I'm starting to become a third wheel in the group and am left out or passive observer in some activities.

After drinking, I can crack jokes better and become more fun, outgoing, and energetic, even busting some crazy dance moves at the nightclub. However, I don't want this to be my only outlet for interacting and approaching people, especially women, on my Contiki tour.

I'm an average-looking male, I dress well, and I don't need to be the loudest person in the room. I would love some advice on whether I'm just overthinking things or any tips on how I can socialize more and feel like I'm fitting in. (I hope this makes sense)

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