My boyfriend is my first sexual partner, also my first romantic partner. I never was really into anyone before I met him, meanwhile he has had 9 other girlfriends. We’ve been together
for two years now and we’ve had some good sexual relations but often I’m left feeling like I’m lacking, for one, since we decided its best for me to use my vibrator mainly to finish because it takes me a little longer. I’m also
not extremely loud, and I don’t like to swallow. He’s mentioned multiple times how he’s been with people who enjoy the taste of his semen, and people who moan super loudly and are extremely passionate in bed and who finish a lot faster than me. All of this makes me feel like I’m not good enough and like I’ll never make it to that level of sexual prowess. I’ve tried talking to him about it, but he just doesn’t get it. At this point I can’t tell if he has high and unrealistic expectations of me in bed, or if I’m not doing enough. What is sex like for you? Is loud moaning the norm? Should I be the one leading with passion (he tells me he tends to feed off the woman’s energy, which is not to say I just starfish on the bed, I am passionate but not porn-star passionate) I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong and it I can do something better. This whole thing has just made me super insecure and I’m comparing myself to all of the women he has been with, any advice is welcome, please be kind :,)

tl;dr – my boyfriend makes me feel
insecure in sex and I don’t know if he’s expectations are unrealistic and he needs to lower them, or valid and I need to step it up

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