This sounds terrible, I know. But a little background: I am 28 and my husband is 38. We have been together 5 years, married for almost 4. We have a 2 year old daughter together and he has an 11 year old son from a previous relationship.

Ok, the problem: this man cannot keep a job for more than 4-5 months. I am NOT exaggerating when I tell you that in our 5 years together, he has had at least 20 jobs. It is EXHAUSTING!! He doesn’t even get fired, he just moves on to something else that he thinks he’ll like better, and then SHOCKER, he doesn’t like it better.

I am a teacher, so obviously I don’t make a ton of money. I also only get paid once monthly, so that requires some serious budgeting. Except I can’t ever budget because I never know how much he’ll be making.. it constantly changes. I have told him my concerns.. and of course I don’t want him to be somewhere he hates working but damn! We have a 2 year old and I can’t even BEGIN trying to save for a house because we do not have stable income on his part.

I’m writing this because he recently left one job for another one that was night shift, which I knew he was gonna hate, and then was there for 3 weeks and just quit without having another job lined up. All the while, we’re trying to get out of a big hole that we were put in because of his inconsistency!

I love my husband. He’s a great father, a good person.. but I can’t do this for much longer. I want to build a life, buy a house, have savings.. and I feel like I won’t be able to do that with him.

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