We (me 29M she 25F) have been living together for 1 year, and 8 months ago we adopted a 2yo cat and we have been loving her (the cat) a lot. Thing is about 2 months and half ago we broke up (peacefully and on mutual agreement) but neither of us could move out immediately (we are both immigrants) so we have been just been living together in this 2 bedroom apartment. She just took the other room that we were using as an office (but there is a bed and a closet there, it was used before as bedroom). Soon she will move out as the "moving date" here for most apartments is the 1st of July. And I'll keep this apartment with a friend of mine coming to live here as my roomate.

Thing is we were thinking of sharing the cat because we grew very affectionate of her. The cat could live with me for 2 weeks and then we switch and so on (she will live in another apartment in the same building so it would be simple to move the cat).

But I would like to start to dating again soon… I was wondering how a girl could see this? Would it be a red flag that I share a cat with my ex? I could see the reasons why a new girl could not like this. But at the same time I would feel very sad to say goodbye to the cat forever.
I know it's not a child, so some people I know just told me "just leave the cat to her" or "one of you should keep the cat and that's it".
It was her idea and willing to take the cat so if I would have to choose I would leave the cat to her but it would be heartbreaking.
So what you think? It's okay if I share a cat with my ex? or should I just leave the cat to her?
(and I know in the long term sharing can't work and sooner or later one of us should keep her and that's it… but yeah)

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