How is your sex life after your wife goes through menopause?

  1. Not a man but as a woman in the process of menopause, I need lube for sex but my libido is higher. So we are having lots of sex.

  2. It has gone up and down.

    Initially it was way down. My wife went into instant menopause due to a radical hysterectomy though. So her hormones were all crazy crazy. But once things kinda stabilized things have gotten back pretty good.

    We need to use lube were as we didn’t before. But now we don’t have to deal with her having a period. And don’t have to worry about her getting pregnant.

    We are both now in our 50s and our sex life is decent, if anything, she would like it more than I do currently.

  3. After? No idea. 7 years of this hormonal nightmare. Seeing some of the replies here I’m still holding onto a thread of hope I’ve still got the shwing in my thing when the call to duty is made.

  4. Trash since the hysterectomy. When she gets new pellets there is a widow were she is a shadow of the partner she used to be then it wears off and she becomes just another old women. The hormone swings also caused her to act and say things I am still haveing problems getting past.

  5. Not my wife, but a woman I dated off and on. When she went thru the monopause, she became a different woman. She used to be so full of life, humour and passion. She used to love sex, but now says she’s too old for that sort of thing. Got angry and cruel whenever I brought it up and turned into a sad, vindictive and broken woman. She had other issues, but going thru the menopause made everything ten times worse. It’s like she aged 20 years overnight and nothing I did or said helped. I know everyone is different, but from my experience, you may as well forget about it. Maybe once every other month if you’re lucky.

  6. Very surprisingly, more orgasms and apparently more intense. Lube required now, though.

  7. Need lube 100% of time … so we make it part of the fun … highly recommend coconut oil as long as its skin to skin … not recommended for toys unless they’re glass

  8. My first wife turned into an animal after menopause. It got to be exhausting.
    My second wife was always an animal and that didn’t change at all

  9. After my experience with my wife, I would encourage all unmarried couples to have a ‘menopause clause’ in their marriage contract. And it ought to be taught in sex Ed. We survived, but not without a lot of communication. She’s on the other side now and has become human again. Sex cycled from ‘keep your hands off me you evil man’ to ‘why are you ignoring me’ and back again. Sometimes right in the middle of the act. Twenty years of this, too. She’s not the same person now, but is a much nicer person. I miss my younger wife but I don’t miss that evil bitch.

  10. Woman here.

    Went through it very early in life. Unexpected.
    I went on HRT very quickly and I highly recommend it to anyone. Symptoms were alleviated very quickly and the only significant change was the use of lube. We had to use much more but we make it part of the fun. Tightness, drive and frequency roughly the same.

    One big thing I really tried to do is not let it define me. I deliberately stayed upbeat. I continued to laugh. I was terrified it would affect our relationship, so I put in lots of work to ensure it didn’t. To be honest my husband doesn’t ever mention it so I don’t think he has really noticed it much.

    Initially went a little hyper and got into mountain biking and caving (probably to prove to myself I wasn’t yet ‘old’). Husband loved this and we make it a regular thing still.

    Honesty I think those things make a big difference to our sex life. Remaining active and trying to be positive keep us together. Men, it’s a really hard time for your partners. Be kind, supportive and suggest HRT!!!

  11. Lube required but a lot of sex.

    Been about five years since she finished, still a good amount of sex. Yay!

  12. Been a tough go for me. Can’t figure her out. She changes so fast it’s unbelievable. I always try to be the nice guy but I’m so frustrated by what to say and do, and not what to say and do. Sometimes I just hide and stay away which isn’t the answer either. The dry spell is goin on 2 months, I don’t know if I can hold on much longer but I’m tired of begging. Then she finishes first and we’re done and I’m just left there frustrated once again. Hopefully it’ll end soon, our relationship is very stressed.

  13. Well, for starters, it’s down to minimal due to “just not in the mood”. When we do, there is a huge physical difference, she’s much dryer and what used to be a turn on leading to multiple orgasms, just isn’t there. So there’s that.

  14. Menopause killed my marriage. She lost all interest in sex. By the time we tried to do anything about it, it was too late for any HRT.

  15. Zero – she angrily refuses to do anything even remotely sexual and yes I really hate it starting to hate her

  16. My wife’s libido started dropping and she noticed that she wouldn’t lubricate as easily, she also felt like her energy level during the day was waning and she didnt want to just rely on coffee to keep her going at work.

    So she went to her doctor and the doctor suggested testosterone pellets . Within 2 weeks she was multi-orgasmic, had higher energy levels, would lubricate far more than she really ever had before, and was far more sensitive (nipples and Vagina) than ever before.

    Menopause isn’t an end to a good sex life, it just means you have to be more aware of hormones and hormone replacement therapy. (HRT)

    HRT is good for making sure her body doesn’t start aging faster than it should after menopause. Bone loss, muscle tone, and skin condition are all affected post-menopause.

  17. She is less interested in intercourse but bjs have become much more frequent. I’m okay with this.

  18. it should be very good and certainly better than before as now he don’t need to worry about wearing or buying rubber and can safely come inside her

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