My wife and I kiss when one of us leaves the house. A little peck on the lips. I was just thinking, I don't remember the last time we had a real passionate kiss. Even during sex, not much kissing. LOL!

Do ya'll kiss your spouses? If so, what kind? A little peck, passionate or full blow making out.

  1. All of the above, I love a full on make out sesh and it’s definitely something that makes me feel connected to my husband. I’d miss it if we didn’t kiss like we do.

  2. Never was a kisser until I stopped getting them . Now I enjoy a good make out kiss.

  3. Most of the above. No sloppy make out sessions, but anywhere from a peck to those deep kisses that last just a little longer than they should and hold expectations of later activities. Lol

  4. A mix of it all! I guess it just depends on the mood and/or what we are trying to convey (comfort, erotic, a greeting, etc)

    But my favorite kiss is when my husband kisses my forehead at 3am before he leaves for work. I don’t always remember it, or it feels like a twilight dream. But he never leaves without kissing me (even when I’ve been a raging bitch lol)

    It probably the meaningful kiss in our marriage for me ❤️ unspoken unconditional love.

  5. My wife and I both work from home. For kissing our average is like a brief occurrence when we’re randomly by each other during the day where we’ll come together for 4 or 5 kisses that are definitely not pecks, but also not full-on passion. Just a little series of nice deep 4 or 5 kisses. Then we break and smile at each other and continue what we’re doing. This happens probably 3 or 4 times a day. Just yesterday we did this right outside of our oldest child’s closed door. And right after we finished kissing she screamed out through the closed door “You guys!! I could hear that!!” LOL too funny!

    But anyways, we have a lot of different types of kisses but I wish we’d kiss more during sex but my wife is just rarely into much kissing at that time — I actually did a post about that about 2 months ago if you have any interest to read it.

  6. We do the little pecks too!

    During sex we would kiss more deeply but it’s very rare

  7. This was us for many years. We forgot to make out—a peck on the lips was common but no good frenching even during sex. But recently we rediscovered it. Now we make out each day.

  8. Sex without kissing would be very odd for me. We always kiss or make out during sex.

  9. If I’m having trouble getting to attention, a long kiss makes it happen fast. Kissing my wife turns me on big time.

  10. I am lucky to get a peck these days. This morning she approached me with dental floss hanging out of her mouth 😂
    She knows I don’t like that so I know she doesn’t want a real kiss 💋

  11. I am def in the minority but tbh I don’t really enjoy kissing, and I never have. Normally if my husband starts making out with me I just take off my clothes and hurry it along to the other more fun stuff. I really can’t stand mouths very much though. Pecks are nice because there’s less spit 💀I really really hate spit. Just writing the word makes me want to gag

  12. I absolutely love passionate kissing. My wife, unfortunately, does not. So a quick peck is all I ever get. I knew that going in, so not complaining, but I sure do miss passionate make out sessions.

  13. It’s definitely something we don’t really do any more, now that I think about it. And if we do kiss, it’s absentmindedly, second nature kind of kiss.

    I definitely love a heavy make out session especially during sex though. We used to.

    Man, kids and parenting really be taking all the romance out of a marriage!!! (I love them and my kids are totally worth it and my marriage is great LOL it’s just funny how you parent for 5 years and things are so different romantically with your spouse!!)

  14. I’m pregnant so a lot of positions are out of the question for me with my belly, but I truly miss mine and my husband’s make out seshes while being intimate! But lately he has been asking randomly “wanna make out?” And I feel like a giddy 20 year old with him again lol we do kiss all the time! Pecks, make outs, all of the above

  15. peck when going to work and coming home, and playful kisses on our weekend.

  16. A mix of all of them! We kiss each other all day every day. Little pecks, passionate kisses and make out heavily for foreplay or during sex. I couldn’t stand not kissing my handsome husband all the time 😍

  17. We do both but the make outs are typically reserved for the BR since we have 2 kids

  18. We’re pretty good about keeping the full make out sessions to our bedroom because we have a gaggle of teenagers and even our kisses goodbye (pecks) get made fun of 😂

  19. Several years ago I decided to start a few habits to improve our marriage. One of them was “make every kiss meaningful. No more pecks.” I hold every kiss longer & try to make it feel intensional & not mechanical.

    I also found she began matching my energy with it.

    I remember 2-3 months after I started my wife told me “I’ve really been enjoying your kisses lately.” It’s been a huge boost to our marriage. A couple years later I told her of my intensional decision regarding kissing.

  20. All of the above. I love kissing and would be very very sad if we didn’t. 🙁

  21. I had to think about this question because it isn’t something that we focus on but I realized at least once a day we’ll end up meeting in the house somewhere, passing in the hall, garage, etc. and we’ll stop for a minute and lock eyes. And then he’ll usually place a hand on my cheek and gives me the softest sweetest kiss that will linger for a moment longer than other kisses. Make out time is about 4 – 5x a month.

  22. Married 41 years; sex is painful but he always kisses me goodbye.. I guess if he doesn’t come home for some reason..who knows.. I wish he would stop complaining about little stuff and be more positive wears me down

  23. My wife and I had the she revelation not too long ago. The kissing has gotten more passionate during sex and at other times as well since then.

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