Since my ex left I felt super alone and just completely messed up. She was ofc emo-ish and grunch. Basically she had mental health and I dont have that much issues as she had. Fast forwards we break up cause she said she changed like ofc that's what every person says so. After being blocked and damaged. I kept messaging her on insta knowing she'll never sign in and it felt more of like a coping mechanism telling her about my day etc. I just didn't know how to cope

. After a couple months i finally have a roofing company thats doing great and now SHE MESSAGED ME. Ofc I was supet anxious and heart was pounding but I saw her messages saying how she meet people and how far beyond she is for a relationship and it stung a lil that she was either messing around or trying too date. I don't have a bad view on women but it seems that what there good at doing all the time. Messing around and trying relationships hurting more people and themselves too satisfy the flesh. After she messaged me say said how I disregarded everything she felt etc I obviously replied very matured and kind hearted as I'm tired of any type of fighting

. She was super nice too me telling me too take care of myself and too be safe then all of a sudden she started saying how my behavior is scaring her. How I'm not leaving her alone and need too forget about her. Like i obviously did deleted everything and said too her that I hope she gets help and seeks therapy too better herself and now I'm blocked again. Why did she message me why did she make me feel like I'm the bad dude. Idk

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