My boyfriend and I have been together for just over 3 years now. When we first started having sex he always finished really fast and he initially told me it was because he hadn’t had sex in a while. It wasn’t that big of a deal to me so I never really said anything.

Fast forward a long time and he still finishes in like a minute. I started to make comments on it in the most polite way possible. I told him that it’s not that important but it seems kind of concerning that he still doesn’t last long and suggested maybe he should see a doctor. He did go see the doctor and the doctor wanted to put him on antidepressants to see if that would help. He came home with them and threw them away because he didn’t want to take him and I understood and would never force him to take it.

Fast forward to now and he still doesn’t last longer than a minute or two at MAX. Whenever I want to cum, he will make me cum before we have sex, so that’s not really an issue. The problem is that I have a higher sex drive than him and we probably have sex at least once a week and on the rare occasion of a “busier” week 3-4 times. So when we do end up going to have sex and there being all this buildup I get frustrated that our sex lasts for such a short amount of time. He understands that he has an issue and he said he has always been that way but wishes it wasn’t like that. He told me he’s tried pretty much every hack that you can think of to make him last longer and it doesn’t work.

Any advice on what he could do? Should he try to see a different doctor? I love my boyfriend and this obviously isn’t a dealbreaker but I would love to get some input.

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