I started a new job last week. On my team there is a more junior guy who started with me on the same team and same day. This is a big company, every day is a new introduction, however on Friday it was a little bit weird.

I was in a virtual meeting and received an unexpected invite to a "Virtual Coffee" (another meeting) and I joined. My manager was there and people were talking. My manager tells me to introduce myself, all good. Then other members introduce themselves to me, and I freeze, I do not say anything in reply to the introductions, not even a "nice to meet you". Meanwhile, my colleague who joined with me is talking in reply at extreme lengths. What I felt happen to me is that I was nervous, low on sleep, the junior guy was talking at such long lengths that I could not step in, seeing the introductions without a face (no camera meeting), it felt like I was listening to a wall. Also i had another meeting in 15minutes I was preparing for.

Meanwhile, the new colleague was probably also nervous and started talking nonstop. Together, we created a real contrast. I am really worried that I gave a bad impression. My question to you is, should I be worried, and how do I fix relations after this?

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